The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

2011 NHL Draft Prospects — Part I

***UPDATE*** In a cruel twist of fate, it was just learned the EJ McGuire, vice president of Central Scouting and probably the most knowledgeable human being on the planet about NHL Drafts and prospects, passed away at the age of 58 this morning. Thoughts are with the McGuire family — and the extended hockey family […]

Red Wings sign Gustav Nyquist

As was expected, the Detroit Red Wings have signed two-time Hobey Baker finalist Gustav Nyquist to a two-year, entry level contract. Financial terms of the deal have not yet been released, but I’m sure CapGeek will work some sort of voodoo magic to get them by the end of the day. Nyquist will join the […]

Nyquist a finalist for the Hobey Baker — Again.

Quick hit this afternoon: Red Wings prospect and University of Maine forward Gustav Nyquist was named as one of the ten finalists for the Hobey Baker Memorial Award for the second year in a row. The award is given to the top NCAA men’s hockey player. As a sophomore, Nyquist lost the trophy to Wisconsin’s […]

Training Camp Notes

Training Camp comes to an end today, as the Detroit Red Wings prepare for the grind of pre-season, which begins tomorrow against the most heinous Pittsburgh Penguins. The traditional Red-White game will take place today at noon, and can be viewed via this stream. FIRST CUTS The Wings made their first round of training camp […]

Pair of Wings prospects Hobey Baker finalists

I won’t even begin to tell you how close I was to posting a picture of myself playing in college  instead of Gustav Nyquist. But those Maine uniforms are beautiful and I didn’t want to keep them from you. I’m way behind the curve on this one, but I didn’t want the entire week to […]

Newbury west, Ritola east

Some transaction news this morning: Kris Newbury has been returned to Grand Rapids and Ken Holland says that the “plan is” to recall Mattias Ritola this afternoon. Newbury got into four games, and immediately became the Most Fascinating Man on the Planet: being penalized on his first shift, and then scoring before making it back to […]

A Series of Griffins Notes

This might all be old news by now, but this week has been a little crazy – what, with the podcast, Bertuzzigate, Helm and Ericsson, not to mention your regularly scheduled pre-games and recaps – that many of these notes have become a little secondary to actual Red Wings news. But, that doesn’t mean they’re […]

Kindl Recalled

Well, that was fast. Just as the pre-game is posted, we learn that Jakub Kindl, has in fact been recalled. Can I patent the nickname “Amazon” for him or what? Kindl, pictured above on his ninth birthday, will play in tomorrow’s Oilers game if Brian Rafalski’s back continues to be all geriatric-like. UPDATE Kindl will, […]

Happy Birthday Tomas Tatar

I’m very happy to be here! Happy 19th birthday to future Red Wings superstar Tomas Tatar. NINETEEN. Christ, I’m old. Tots could use your support in the AHL All-Star balloting, which can be accessed by visiting the AHL website. He’s currently fourth on the Griffins in scoring, but only has 15 games under his belt. […]