The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Stevie Art

The newest member of Team TPL, Stevie Roxelle (@stevieroxelle) brings something to the table that nobody else on staff can claim: artistic talent. And as we all know, nothing makes reading more entertaining than some awesome pictures. After helping us out on a number of projects, we realized Stevie’s talents were something that we wanted to keep around for as long as possible, so we offered her the staff artist position here. The rest, as they say, is history.

Rather than force you to click through all of our previous content to relive all of Stevie’s awesome contributions, we decided it just made more sense to give Stevie’s work it’s own page to shine. From the “Horsecop” movie poster to “Hudler What the Fuck?” to the ongoing saga of Darren Helm and his crazy hands, all of Stevie’s greatest works will live on this page now. It’s like the TPL Louvre, except much cooler and not stuck in France.

We’ll be sure to update the page each time Stevie drops something awesome on us, and we’ll also include a link to the original post so you can go back and get all of the context.

Got something you want to Stevie to draw? Let us know by sending a mail to


Stay Just a Little Bit Longer




Best Friends




Commie’s Mantra


A Home for Stevie


Danger Helm



Ugly Mugs


Grind Line Birthday


Ginger Stache


Easter At Casa Draper


Helm’s Hands (Part 3)




Red Wings as Monty Python


Team WTF?


Hudler WTF?




Helm Hands (Part 2)




Helm’s Hands (Part 1)

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