Easter at Casa Draper
In this Detroit Free Press article, Draper mentioned inviting Helm and Abdelkader over for an egg hunt today. With the intensity of our young forwards, I don’t think it would have gone as well as Drapes would have hoped.
Happy Easter, everyone!
This is amazing.
pretty gay
How very clever, dear. Your mommy must be so proud of you.
This is one of the happiest things on the internet. Surely that is what you mean.
This is one of the happiest things on the internet. Surely that is what you mean.
I’m sorry it took so long for me to get around and correct that injustice. Kudos to the ladies and gentlemen that flagged it for removal.
Oh look, even your signature is bad-ass.
This is pure awesomeness! I love the expressions in the second panel.
Poor Drapes. You’d think he’d know better…
I’m not really sure how I missed this but it’s pure love. <3