Kindl Recalled

Well, that was fast. Just as the pre-game is posted, we learn that Jakub Kindl, has in fact been recalled. Can I patent the nickname “Amazon” for him or what?

Kindl, pictured above on his ninth birthday, will play in tomorrow’s Oilers game if Brian Rafalski’s back continues to be all geriatric-like.

Kindl will, in fact, be in the lineup vs. the Oilers, according to Ansar Khan. Not only is he getting in the game, even HE is playing on the power play before Johnny Ericsson. Said Uncle Mike:

“We’ll think about it a little more and see how the game’s going and the rhythm we get in,” Babcock said. “Our forwards got to do a real good job tonight to protect our D. Kindl’s a real good player, moves the puck real well. He’ll play on our first power play tonight because he has that kind of ability.”