The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Chris Osgood vs. some kids

Big time hat tip to Matt Saler for Tweeting this awesome story. Mike Mouat of the Red Wings Examiner shares this gem with us: With three Stanley Cups and 396 career wins in his 16-year career in the NHL, Detroit Red Wings goaltender Chris Osgood is accustomed to stopping NHL snipers from finding the back […]


With the Olympics in full swing and Red Wings news at a minimum, I figured I’d take this opportunity to play a little catch-up with all the important things in TPLand and Motown.Herm2HockeytownThe first, and most important, thing worth noting is that it’s time to pay up for H2H. We’re just about a month out, […]

Tonight, We Dine in Hell

Time flies when you’re making fat cheerleader jokes, doesn’t it?  This is the 300th post of The Production Line, which is at least 298 posts more than we thought you’d pay attention for. Rob and I are immensely grateful to everyone that swings by and reads what little coherence we can muster – and our […]

Big Thanks to Chris Hollis!

A huge thumbs up to Chris Hollis of Motown Wings and Obstructed View fame, who took the reigns of TPL last night and delivered nothing but gold. Both Rob and I weren’t going to have a chance to watch the game – even on DVR delay – until Wednesday evening, and by then a recap […]

Totally Looks Like… Finalists and WINNER!

We’ve had lots of laughs over the last seven days, and that’s thanks to the dozens of hilarious submissions in our Look-a-Like Contest. Rob and I decided it’d be funny to offer up a “prize” to the winner, the cheesier the better, in hopes that the winner would take said prize (a Marian Hossa banner…really…who […]

Hockeytown 4 Haiti Update

Just a reminder… Head over to Winging it in Motown today to participate in our Game Thread. Each comment posted will send five cents to Haiti — and they need all the dollars they can get. Game time is 12:30pm, and the game airs on NBC (joy!). It costs you nothing to comment and participate […]

Totally Looks Like…

***UPDATE 2*** Alright, here’s the deal. Rob and I decided we wanted the “prize” to be something completely cheesy – it’s only fitting. So, we’ll leave the contest open for a week — until next Friday, February 5th — and then TPL Mom will pick the winner from all of our hilarious submissions. I’ll get […]

Hockeytown 4 Haiti

If you haven’t already heard, Casey at Winging it in Motown is following the lead of many of the SB Nation blogs and hosting a game thread in an effort to raise funds for the devastating earthquake in Haiti. This Sunday, when the Wings take on the Penguins, five cents will be donated to the […]


I’m SO Jonathan. Hi hockey fans! Do you feel like helping me make an ass of myself? Of COURSE you do! Our dear friend Chris Hollis, of Motown Wings and Obstructed View fame, with help from Natalie of The Scrappy Octopus, have come up with a little side-bet leading up to the Herm 2 Hockeytown […]

Behold: The She-Tuzzi in all her vileness

KILL IT WITH FIRE! I wanted to take a quick minute to share with you the abomination that our dear friend Casey has created. This sin against nature is the embodiment of TPL’s favorite character, the She-Tuzzi. Somehow it seems fitting to have Madonna’s crypt keeper arms, fresh from carving a plea bargain into a […]