The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Tinfoil Flashmob

A good friend of TPL’s, the lovely Sara, is organizing what I sincerely hope takes off. Prior to Game 3 at Joe Louis Arena tomorrow, she’s imploring fellow Wings fanatics to descend onto the Gordie Howe entrance donning the official headgear of Red Wings Nation: tin-foil hats. Head over to her LiveJournal for more information. […]

My high school gets something right. Finally.

So…immediately following Game 5, I wrote an in-depth post, more or less catching up on everything I’d missed the last three weeks. And then Blogger ate it. I was mighty angry something fierce, so I stepped away from TPL for another two days because – seriously – I damn near chucked this thing out the […]

Are you ready for your close-up?

Get your webcams and Flipcams ready. I just received an e-mail from Nicole Yelland, Detroit Red Wings Social Networking Coordinator/Superstar, informing us that the Wings have something super awesome planned for the playoffs. Her words: We’re working on on our opening video for the playoffs and need you to help us spread the word about how […]

H2H :: A Survival Guide

FIRST OF ALL…What a weekend. As we all return to reality, and the relative break that work will be, it’s time to reflect on what can only be described as three days of awesome. Friday was legitimately one of the best days of my life – I had an unbelievable time meeting everyone, doing a […]

H2H Ticket Giveaway

If you missed out on buying your official Herm2Hockeytown pre-party ticket and a seat to the Wings game against the Wild, you’re in luck. The Obstructed View is giving one smart, beautiful, jailsexed fan an opportunity to join the masses celebrating this historic occasion. All you’ve got to do to be entered is send an e-mail […]

H2H Update ***IMPORTANT***

It looks like we’re going to have to cut our pledge drive a game short. All donations need to be received BY MARCH 23RD to be eligible for the prize drawings. Originally, we had planned to do the dozen games before H2H approached, but logistically it won’t be possible to prepare all the entries in […]

H2H Pledges :: March 11 vs. Minnesota

So, my DVR failed on me. Yet again. All day I was looking forward to coming home and unwinding with a Red Wings game – I even ignored my phone and the internet (as much as I could) to keep it a complete surprise. Well played, Cablevision… Anyway, I’ve tallied the numbers from last night’s […]

H2H Pledges :: March 9 vs. Calgary

What a difference the totals make when the Wings don’t win, eh? After two games with $300+ earned for the chillens, we deliver a slightly less exciting number against Calgary… H2H DONATIONS TALLY Mike S. :: $10 :: $5/goal Sara N. :: $6 :: $2/goal, $2/Eurotwin goal Baroque :: $5 :: $5/Lidstrom point Allison :: […]

H2H Pledges :: March 3rd vs. Vancouver

Well the game sucked nards, but we raised a few more bucks for the kids, and that’s the silver lining: Matching the Production Line’s pledge of $2 per goal were the following:–Jennbikegirl :: ($6)–Natalie, Scrappy Octopus ($6)–Drew from Nightmare on Helm Street :: ($6)–Rob from Etched in Cold :: ($6)–Brad Boswell :: ($6)–SigSegFalt :: ($6)–Sara […]

A Call to H2H/TPL Action

***UPDATE 27 :: Friday, March 12***Ben from Below the Crossbar wants in on the action for the last half-dozen. He pledges cash for the follow phenomena: :: $1.30 for every Datsyuk point :: $4.30 for every Helm goal :: $5 for every Osgood start :: $10 for every shutout :: $3 for every win ($5 for the Penguins)***UPDATE 26 :: Friday […]