The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Half-Assed Recap to go with Half-Assed Game

Final Score (Hi Dad!) Sharks 5, Red Wings 2. The Skinny I’m not going to bother putting more effort into this than the Red Wings did with the game. Onto the bullets. Bullets of Importance Brendan Smith: not NHL ready. He will be, but he’s not yet. The loss was by no means his fault, […]

Nov. 17 :: Fits Like a Snug Glove

CAN I KICK IT? The Wings start their first West Coast roadie in San Jose tonight at 10:30pm Eastern. There’s very little to like about the Sharks — it’s a team full of assholes and divers, but they’ve had our number for several years now. Hate Week continues in California. BONITA APPLEBAUM, YOU GOT IT […]

Wings win fourth in a row, lose Ian White

Final Score (Hi Dad!) Red Wings 5, Stars 2. The Skinny Streaky streaky… five up, six down, and now four up again. Detroit finished their season-long six-game homestand with a 5-2 victory over the Pacific Division-leading Dallas Stars. The game began as a goaltending duel, with Stars backup Andrew Raycroft every bit up to the […]

Shut It Down Mr. Howard: Wings Win Third In A Row

The Final (Hi Mr. P!) Red Wings 3, Oilers 0 The Skinny Well, we said in the pregame that this thing might turn into a goaltender’s duel, and it didn’t disappoint. Jimmah stood on his head and Khabibulin wasn’t too shabby himself, but at the end of the night it was the guy who got […]

Nov. 11 :: So If You’re Hot to Trot…

NOW ONCE UPON A TIME UP ON THIS ‘MIC First and foremost, a big thanks to friend-of-the-blog Greta (@thegatzke) for letting this suggestion mmmmmmmmmmmmDROP into our lap. Nothing says Friday like the Beastie Boys, so sit back and enjoy while we stir fry you up in the TPL wok. It’s some sort of alternate universe […]

Wings defeat Avalanche, Mule Feeds YOU

The Final (Hi Dad!) Red Wings 5, Avalanche 2. The Skinny There’s a great line in the 1989 cinema classic Major League (actually, there are quite a few great lines) that goes, “We won a game yesterday. If we win one today, that’s two in a row. We win one tomorrow, and that’s called a […]

Oct. 8 :: Para Bailar La Bamba

COME ON, LET’S GO So there I was, minding my business on the beach — Pacifico in hand — keeping up with the daily happenings of the Red Wingosphere, even tweeting the waivings and recalls and injuries — because I care so deeply about you. All the while, nearly having my character defamed by my closest […]

The Combination Is “1,2,3,4,5”

Final (Hi Mr. P!) Wild 2, Red Wings 1 (OT) The Skinny This play has three acts: The Hot Start, The Slow to a Crawl and the Inevitable Collapse. Only the first part was any good, and even then, it faded toward the first intermission. The second act was an uninspired performance designed to set […]