Win your way onto TP:60

If ever you’ve wanted to spend five minutes chatting about inane bullshit (AND GET ASKED SUGGESTIVE DISNEY QUESTIONS!), here’s your chance! If you’ve noticed, we’ve added a few new segments to TP:60 and we’re really enjoying the chance to invite friends of the site who may not necessarily otherwise have the chance to share their Red Wings stories.

Long story short… WHO SCORES THE FIRST RED WING GOAL AGAINST THE PITTSBURGH PENGUINS? Below is a list of available players — and players that have already been predicted (to be updated as quickly as I can get to it — but make sure to check the comments for the most recent selections before making yours):

[table id=41 /]

To win your way onto the December 15th recording of The Production Hour (TP:60), you must be the first comment to correctly predict which Red Wing will score first in the December 13th game against the Pittsburgh Penguins. Only the first commenter for a particular player will count, so if your suggestion is Pavel Datsyuk, and someone has already said Pavel Datsyuk, take another guess. Unlike the last time we held a similar contest, we won’t be accepting predictions via Twitter or Facebook — so that there’s no confusion about who is available for selection and who suggested whom first.

We record the podcast later in the evening. For Episode 22, we will be recording December 15th at 9:00pm Eastern Time. If your suggestion wins and you aren’t available, we’ll do our best to accommodate your schedule, but ask that we have the segment finished by the end of the night on the 15th — so that it can be released on the morning of the 16th. We have several ways that we can loop you into the show: the preferred recording method is Skype because the quality is excellent and very compatible with our recording software. Alternatively, you can call into our hotline (the number will be e-mailed to you), which goes to our switchboard and onto the recording. Finally, we can call you if you prefer that method. We will try to keep it quick, so as to not keep you all night, but expect to set aside about ten or fifteen minutes.