Modano Retires, Clearly Shuns Two Duffs

A sad day for hockey, indeed.

Following a disappointing, injury-filled season with his hometown Detroit Red Wings, Mike Modano has announced via Facebook that he will be stepping away from the game. At least, in a player’s capacity:

After a long summer of thinking about my future, I’ve come to the decision that it’s time to retire as a player from the NHL. There’s way too many people to thank here at this time and too much to say, so I have a press conference scheduled for early Friday afternoon. Check back Friday late afternoon for more. What a great ride it’s been!

A great ride is putting it lightly. Drafted first overall in 1988, he would play twenty seasons with the franchise that drafted him as the Minnesota North Stars became the Dallas Stars. A Stanley Cup Champion in 1999, an eight-time All Star, and an Olympic Silver Medalist, he leaves the game the highest scoring American-born player ever, and his 1499 games played is also atop the list of American forwards.

Congratulations to Mikey Mo — The Production Line wishes him the best of luck in his future endeavors, which are sure to include a front office job with the Stars and spending more time with Willa (whom, we assume, he would not trade for Two Duffs).

Photo Credit: Brian Ekart