WELL I’LL BE: Preds Solve Wings

4-3 Predators

Son of a bitch. Strong game from the Wings, poor third period, wheels popped off, and we’re left feeling like “we’re holding our ankles, biting a pencil” to borrow a Disch phrase.


  • Tomas Holmstrom started the scoring off, netting his sixth of the season. All six of those goals have been on the power play, tying him for fifth in the League in PPGs. Suck it, Claude Giroux.
  • Nashville tied the game about halfway through the first with a sick two-on-one play that Jimmy Howard NEARLY stifled. The first save was a thing of beauty, but the rebound bounced right to the perfect spot and Legwand was able to bury the second chance.
  • Zetterberg and Lidstrom gave the Wings a nice 3-1 cushion, but a Nashville flurry at the end of the second period nearly tied it up. They made good on one, failed to make good on two… and then the third period happened. Two unanswered goals and it was chicken dinner. Except it’s Tennessee so it was probably some sort of fricassee.


  • Who else enjoyed the hell out of Pavel Datsyuk cleanly rocking Shea Weber, who is approximately nine inches and 193 pounds larger than Dats? It was an especially physical first period and I can’t imagine a single person disliking it.
  • OFFSIDES?! BOOOOOOO! What’s offsides? /annoying whistle sound/. Sometimes I get sad when I think that other teams’ fans could be so mentally challenged. But then I remember they’re south of the Masy Dixy and that they probably can’t work the computer box anyway, so they’ll never know I said that. It’s like the Amish. It’s easy to make fun of them because how are they going to know? One big difference, though: at least the Amish can build a barn without violating the sheep that will soon occupy it.

For those who like the womenz, may I present Gia Allemand who was on some show called Bachelor Pad, Google tells me:

For those who like the fellas, I DARE YOU to tell me that Gia’s castmate William Holman isn’t a DEAD RINGER for our very own Rob Discher if Rob Discher stopped going to the gym. I DARE YOU: