A Home for Stevie

Fine looking gents right there...

When we asked Stevie to join Team TPL as our resident artist some time ago, we did it with the full intention of providing her a dedicated space on the site where folks could come from far and wide to check out her fantastic handiwork without having to scroll through pages and pages of posts. That was eight months ago and still no page for Stevie.

Well, the offseason has a funny way of providing time to do all of the site maintenance and upgrades we put off during the NHL season, and lo and behold, Stevie now has her own dedicated page here on TPL. Stevie: We’re sorry it took so damn long to finally get this up, but rest assured we’ll keep it updated with all of your artistic awesomeness moving forward. As a token of our appreciation, you’ll find a bevy of bronzed and shirtless horsecops with wine, cheese and grapes in your new office at TPL world headquarters. Enjoy.

For the rest of you, feel free to pop on over to Stevie’s new page and relive some of the memorable moments from last year as we continue the slow trudge towards hockey being, you know, played. You’ll also find a dedicated link on the menu bar at the top, so you can get your Stevie fix any time you want.