YET AGAIN, the NHL finds a way to shaft the Red Wings. In the sixth round of a shootout, Steve Ott’s shot CLEARLY stops on the line – with the referee eight inches away emphatically waving no goal. They go to Toronto, to find a way to fuck the Wings, and sure enough after 15 minutes, they do. They must have seen an angle we didn’t, because that puck does not cross the line in any of the many camera angles from FSD.

To change the ruling on a play, the video evidence has to be CONCLUSIVE the other way. Seems to me it wouldn’t take three hours to find that footage, if it exists, which we all know it doesn’t. Tin foil or not, that was bullshit and yet another Red Wings game was snatched from us.

The explanation, with a million thanks to @it_burns_us because Center Ice cuts away ASAP:

Explanation: Toronto ruled the video inconclusive. Mike Leggo and one of the linesman overruled the other referees ruling of a goal.

Schwa? So the guy LIVING in the crease is overruled by the further linesman? What planet are we on?

***UPDATE 2***
A picture, courtesy of @kjordan77, showing the puck 100% not across the line:

After a shot that went about forty feet wide, Todd Bertuzzi redeemed himself with a beautiful goal. JJ from Kansas called it in the comments of the pre-game, and was seconded by Andy, so those two deserve 100% of the credit (leaving 0% for Todd). Moments later, Bertuzzi would misfire on a shot after an ill-advised Pavel Datsyuk pass. It could have been blown wide open early in the first, but Detroit took their foot off the accelerator and allowed Dallas to use Jimmy Howard for target practice.

Speaking of Andy, anyone else think he should submit a song for April in the D? Get to work, son.

Rafalski made it 2-0 on a nice little series of passes during the power play. I was hoping for some tic-tac-toes on the PP, if you recall, and they got one.

Brad Richards got Dallas on the board with a nice shot during a 2-on-1. He faked pass, and the shot eventually trickled past Howard. The play started a 2-on-2 the other way, maybe ill-advised on the kill, and some of the Wings had trouble transitioning back to defense.

Steve Ott has it in for Brad Stuart for whatever reason. Later, he and Bertuzzi would have words before various whistles, never coming to any pass. At one point, Ott reached in, yanked Bertuzzi’s helmet off prior to a whistle, and no penalties were called. Fine. Let them play, I suppose. Then, as Dallas tied the score, we see that Krys Barch was practically making love to Jimmy Howard in the crease. If that had been Tomas Holmstrom, not only would that goal not have counted, he would have gotten two minutes in the bin. Howard was then run, a minute later. Followed by a high stick on Eaves that cut him. Followed by a high stick that damn near removed Brett Lebda’s head. All I have to say about all this is: Thank God Brad May is on the Red Wings to keep the flies off. Thumbs up, shithead. Not even an orchestrated make-out session with Barch today. Get off my team.

Justin Abdelkader was everywhere. Buzzing around the net today. Looked real good.

When the game was tied, the Wings were giving up tons of opportunities. They’re lucky they have Jimmy Howard in games like this. This one point is thanks to Tiberius.

1. Tiberius did what he could. The offense didn’t muster enough. Period.
2. No goal from Shiny Nickel. He was close though. Close doesn’t count.
3. Yup, a PP TTT (tic tac toe) play for a goal by Rafalski.
4. I called out Bertuzzi and he answered with a goal. Fantastic.
5. No goals from either Z or Pav, but Zetterberg had a pair of assists.

What’s next?
Chicago tomorrow. Joy.