Enjoy the drive back to Quebec, Habs fans!

Hey, Tomas -- nice mustache. How's your TOTALLY INJURED hip/knee, by the way? OLEEEEEE OLE OLE OLEEEEEE! (Photo by Claus Andersen/Getty Images)

Red Wings 4-2.

1. Don’t let the final score fool you, this game was just about the best goaltending duel in recent memory. Carey Price is the real deal. That kid is damn good, and it makes me a little bit ill thinking he’s booed in Montreal on the regular. He’s the only reason it wasn’t 14-0 in the first period. The first Canadiens goal left a bit to be desired of the eventual first star Jimmy Howard — it was one of those instances that if Tiberius had any sort of rebound control, it wouldn’t have been 1-0 Bad Guys. He MORE than made up for that one, with some unreal saves in the third period. He had to be the best player in the game in the final frame, as the Wings were outshot 20-3. Not a good omen heading into the second half of a back-to-back.

2. The Canadiens were all  but guaranteed to take a lead into the dressing room after twenty minutes. And then Josh Gorges stepped in. I don’t know what the hell he was doing dicking around behind the net kind of eating the clock. But he got snatched, and bing-bang-boom Nicklas Lidstrom pots it with 1.2 seconds left. Tie game. Thanks for the gift, Gorges.

3. Maybe I’m getting carried away with excitement, so tell me if I’m way off base…but was Niklas Kronwall’s wrister the nicest shot by a Red Wing all season? That thing was nastypants. It was the best shot of the year. At least until…

4. GODDAMN, PAVEL DATSYUK! That backhand was Filthy McFilthertons.

5. This was arguably the most entertaining regular season game in YEARS. What an awesome atmosphere at the Joe — despite being very loud with cheers when the Habs scored. It felt every bit like a playoff game, and I sincerely felt like these two teams hated each other just to hate each other… because so many decades of Red Wing and Canadien teams did the same. Just wonderful hockey. There’s gotta be a way to ensure that matchups like this happen more than once every year and a half. Even if it means — GASP! — dropping one of the games against the goddamn Blue Jackets.