The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Are We Not Men?!

“Back in my day, we had people that stood up to ruffians. We called them ‘MEN.’” This isn’t going to be pretty. But I won’t apologize for a single word of it. Because I woke up and put boxers on today. Not whatever lacy, screen-printed, sweet-smelling bullshit Adam Burish and Teemu Selanne slowly pulled around […]

Frozen In Time

Every hockey game begins with a clean sheet of ice. It’s sitting there right now in arenas all over the world. It remains one of the only constants in a game that showcases individual creativity, and it’s ready and waiting for the first skates to step on it and usher in another season of NHL […]

An Open Letter to Kirk Maltby (Now with Postscript!)

Hey Kirk. Good to see you again. Hope the summer has been restful and relaxing for you, although it sounds like you’ve got alot on your mind. I don’t envy you Kirk. It’s just a major life changing decision in front of you, right? I mean, let’s look at it objectively. On one hand, you’re […]

NHL Reaches Across Table, Extends Finger

If you were awake late last night, you likely saw the  now-infamous NY Post piece from Larry Brooks regarding the NHL and its butting of heads with the NHLPA regarding — essentially — the pending Kovalchuk contract. Good friend of TPL @mserven was kind enough to shoot me an IM since I wasn’t really hanging […]

Welcome to the new home of The Production Line!

Oh NOW that photo makes sense… Welcome to the new home of The Production Line — complete with our own non-blogspot domain! Maybe now we’ll stop having our posts eaten as we’re just about to bitch about getting jailsexed by the Shetuzzi or making up Las Vegas Lebda stories. Please take a few minutes to […]

Despite signing in June, Todd finds a way…

Tuzz, seen here molesting an eventual-teammate Gather ’round, boys and girls, it’s story time. It started on a Tuesday. This past Tuesday, as a matter of fact. We’re just under eight weeks away from exchanging vows, and everything was on the up and up. We have quite a bit left to do, but the big, […]

H2H :: A Survival Guide

FIRST OF ALL…What a weekend. As we all return to reality, and the relative break that work will be, it’s time to reflect on what can only be described as three days of awesome. Friday was legitimately one of the best days of my life – I had an unbelievable time meeting everyone, doing a […]

A Call to H2H/TPL Action

***UPDATE 27 :: Friday, March 12***Ben from Below the Crossbar wants in on the action for the last half-dozen. He pledges cash for the follow phenomena: :: $1.30 for every Datsyuk point :: $4.30 for every Helm goal :: $5 for every Osgood start :: $10 for every shutout :: $3 for every win ($5 for the Penguins)***UPDATE 26 :: Friday […]

Totally Looks Like… Finalists and WINNER!

We’ve had lots of laughs over the last seven days, and that’s thanks to the dozens of hilarious submissions in our Look-a-Like Contest. Rob and I decided it’d be funny to offer up a “prize” to the winner, the cheesier the better, in hopes that the winner would take said prize (a Marian Hossa banner…really…who […]

Chris Osgood: despised by Mike Babcock, the rest of us

Boy oh boy, Chris Osgood certainly has the right things to say doesn’t he? Anyone who’s ever done anything even remotely competitive can understand — even appreciate — his desire to play more, and the fire that burns inside him when he’s sitting on the end of the bench, charting faceoffs. In that respect, I […]