The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

New Guys

I haven’t done much of anything Red Wings this offseason, but here’s a couple of digital sketches of the newcomers to the team.

Floating Heads

(Let’s see if I can get this to post correctly this time.) I’ve managed to find some free time (shocking), and I’ve been meaning to experiment with something completely digital. So here’s a couple of caricatures of a few forwards. I’d like to do some more, but we’ll see if time frees up.

Merry Chrismtas from The Production Line

I despise this holiday, but that’s not going to stop me from drawing something silly. Alternate speech bubbles: What is a “Tumblr” and why do they want “sloppy makeouts?” Do they want us to kidnap Shea Weber or…? What is a “Shitbox” and why do they want it on fire? Do they thing Ken Holland […]

Wing vs. Wing 2012 Calendar

The reason I’ve been M.I.A. (other than finals week stuff) is because I’m putting together a calendar for 2012! The theme is Wing vs. Wing, and each month features our favorite Wings players battling each other. Ever wonder who would win a staring contest? Who is better with the ladies? You’ll find out in this […]


This comes about as a collaboration between myself and J.J. from Kansas over at Winging It At Motown. Neither of us can believe that no one had really thought of this before.

Best Friends

If you’re following our players and prospects on Twitter, you’ve been watching Smith and Emmerton (and sometimes my good pal Commodore) tweet at each other. After their flight to Minnesota, its become evident that Smith and Emmerton are pretty close friends.


Look, announcers, we understand that players have foreign and strange last names (except somehow everyone manages to get “Toews” correct.) But sometimes these mispronunciations are just atrocious, nearly Dr. Seussian in severity.

Commie’s Mantra

I apologize for my absence here, I’ve been busy working on other projects. But I owe our new additions to the Wings a bit of time. If anyone follows Mike Commodore on Twitter, you know he’s a personable guy. He also has a motto that reminds you of a certain beer commercial.

A Home for Stevie

When we asked Stevie to join Team TPL as our resident artist some time ago, we did it with the full intention of providing her a dedicated space on the site where folks could come from far and wide to check out her fantastic handiwork without having to scroll through pages and pages of posts. […]