The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Wings Lose Zetterberg, Win Game

No snarky caption could possibly trump the awesomeness of this photo. Ouch. Zetterberg. A big win, though, four in a row for the first time all season. But if you asked me before the game “Zetterberg or a win,” I would have kept Z. Hopefully it’s not as bad as it looked (like Johnny Cakes) […]

Ericsson has bone bruise, Janik called up

Well, it could have been much worse. In fact, watching the video (and the freeze frame, thanks to @mserven), I would have bet dollars to donuts that it was Kronwall-esque or longer. All this does is add to Ericsson’s lore: first, missing only one game following an emergency appendectomy, followed by many more quick recoveries. […]

Oh, Darren!

COME ON! Per the Detroit News, Darren Helm is out with a wrist injury and has no immediate timetable for return, though it doesn’t SOUND to be too serious. In his place, Kris Newbury was called up from Grand Rapids and WILL be in the lineup tonight against the Coyotes. Shout out to On the […]

The Obstructed View Podcast

Oh my God, is that what I sound like? Kris from Snipe Snipe Dangle Dangle, Casey from Winging it in Motown, Chris Hollis from Motown Wings, producer extraordinaire Brian Kiernicki, and yours truly took part in the inaugural Red Wings podcast, titled The Obstructed View. You can hear the first episode via the following methods: Direct […]


Well. Shit. According to Chris McCosky, there’s bad news for all of us in the Darren Helm Fan Club. Stay tuned for a medical update on center Darren Helm. He was helped off the ice after sliding hard into the boards during a drill. He did not immediately return to practice. I will give a […]