The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Brett Lebda, that’s who.

Well, that was odd. On July 7, 2010, former Red Wing defenseman Brett Lebda was signed by the Toronto Maple Leafs to a two-year deal worth an astronomical $2.9M (or, if you prefer, 45% of an Ericsson annually). Almost immediately, and by fans not in Toronto, the deal was panned as one of the worst […]

Predators to buy out Lebda

Former Red Wing Brett Lebda has been placed on unconditional waivers with the intention of a buyout coming from his new team, the Nashville Predators. Lebda hasn’t suited up yet for the Preds, who was acquired from the Maple Leafs in exchange for Matthew Lombardi and Cody Franson. Lebda would have been entering the second […]

An Issue of Commitment

(Ed. note: I’m well aware that this isn’t directly related to the Red Wings, but you’ll just have to deal with it. Also, I’m back from my self-imposed blogging hiatus. Buckle up. -C) There’s a good chance that a fair number of you out there reading this right now probably don’t really have a strong […]

TPL Summer Programming

With last week’s loss behind us, and many of us beginning the grieving period, now is as good a time as any to discuss some of the events and plans we have in motion at The Production Line. Unfortunately, Whitney Houston has been retired and Major League references will have to wait a few more […]

MLX Ice Hockey Skates Review

There are legions of hockey players and fans that spend hours agonizing over their stick choices, their curves, the way they tape their socks, and — of course — their skates. They spend a ton of time researching and studying brands and their subtle differences, making sure every little thing is just right and to […]

MLX Preview

Good morning, Red Wings Nation! I was recently reached out to by the folks at MLX, who asked me to give a pair of their skates a test run. Considering my background, it doesn’t take a whole lot of arm-twisting to get me on the ice again, and to try out new equipment. MLX has […]

Detroit News: Think Twice Before Hating the ‘Tuzz

Just a quick hitter this morning, as Team TPL is in the midst of packing up the bags and getting ready to head to Motown for H2H2. First, let me say that if you didn’t read Disch’s piece on Todd Bertuzzi yesterday, do yourself a favor and get on it. I couldn’t agree more with […]

Film Review: HorseCop

Once in a lifetime — if we’re lucky — a film comes along that changes the way we look at ourselves, not to mention the way we view cinema forever. Our parents had The Godfather. Their parents had Gone with the Wind. Their parents had… well, I dunno… some weird Edison newsreel, I suppose. We, […]

Wow, Lilja’s agent kinda sounds like a wanker

“I’ll be damned… long pants.” Would you trust someone named Todd Diamond? The answer is no, of course you wouldn’t because you’re not a cartoon character living in the 40’s. And you’d have several reasons to be skeptical of his every word – not that you’d hear most of his words while trying to follow […]


Welcome to Trade Deadline Day! It’s like Christmas. But in March. Like Christmas, sometimes you get awesome gifts. Other times, you get Cory Cross. Them’s the breaks.  TRADES COMPLETED BEFORE MARCH 3RD [actual NHL roster players only]: Atlanta acquires Evgeny Artyukhin from Anaheim for Nathan Oystrick and a Conditional Pick Chicago acquires Nick Boynton from Anaheim for Future Considerations […]