The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Wings Fans: Losers, Hippies, Supporters of Terrorism

First of all, a hearty welcome to all of the FBI and CIA agents who just stumbled onto this post after our headline triggered those pesky anti-terrorist red flags. Drop us a line in the comments! And now, please sit back and bask in the enlightenment that you so desire on this Monday. It’s no […]

Ugly Third Jersey Gallery (well… half of it)

Oohwee, we’ve got some ugly jerseys to share. Over the past few weeks, Etched in Cold and The Production Line have received several dozen submissions: some of them hand-drawn, others photoshopped. A few were made in paint, a few were copy-and-pasted from images found all over the place. One thing we can all agree on: […]

H2H2 Pledge Drive Reminder (with brilliant video help)

We’re lucky to have friends like Tyler from The Triple Deke. He’s always lookin’ out for us and — more importantly — the children. It’s thanks to him that the world has this new public service announcement, urging readers like you to avoid the path to MilburyLand, and gently urging the pledges to continue. Let […]

Ugly Jersey Contest :: Last Week for Entries!

As I’m sure you remember, our friend Rob at Etched in Cold has begun an ugly Wings third jersey contest, and we’re happy to help spread the word and accept your submissions. In the last week, we’ve received upwards of two dozen examples — each of them horrific and hilarious in their own ways. Let […]

U-G-L-Y, You Ain’t Got No Alibi

The TPL/WIM NHL All-Star Fantasy Throwdown is well underway. The guys have done all the hard work of drafting our picks and setting up the roster, and I don’t have to do any of the push ups or drink-fetching in the highly unlikely event that we lose. (Right? I wasn’t consulted on this. And frankly, […]

Red Wings Ugly Third Jersey Contest

Like so many others before it, a brilliant idea was born on Twitter last week. Red Wings Nation patriots and good friends of The Production Line, Rob (@etchedincold), Jason (@sigsegfalt), and Sara (@thetinnishflash) were discussing how awesome — and horrifying — an Red Wings Ugly Third Jersey Photoshop Contest could be. Rob asked us to […]

Nabokov Pledge Drive

Anyone out there convinced that Evgeni Nabokov will get plucked off of waivers, once the signing is official? Confident that he’ll be a Red Wing by the weekend? Put your money where your mouth is. From now until the waiver period ends, we’re taking pledges. In fact, I’ve gotten us started. I’m pretty sure he’ll […]

H2H2: It’s a-comin’

Well, it’s almost here again. H2H2 is just around the corner — March 11th will be here before you know it. If you were there last year, you know you’ll sell your first-born to return. If you missed it, I’m pretty certain you’ve already seen the error of your ways. And you’re probably working on […]

Merry Christmas from TPL!

Yes, I know Disch said we would be hit or miss over the next few days due to travel schedules and what not (which is still true, FTR), but we did want to take a second to pull away from our gift unwrapping and XBOX 360 playing to wish each and every one of you […]

Curly=Perfect and Perfect=Curly

There’s plenty to talk about after the win over St. Louis, but I’m going to table all of that for just one second because there’s something that needs to be said first… Yes we CAN go get some piping hot curly fries because The Perfect Human decreed it so with three pucks in the back […]