The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Smith gets 8 games

It was judgment day for defenseman Brendan Smith today. Following a devastating hit to the head of Chicago’s Ben Smith on Wednesday, the Red Wings prospect has been anxiously awaiting his sentence from new dean of discipline Brendan Shanahan. After reviewing the video and meeting with Smith (who opted out of an in-person meeting, instead […]

Easy… Like Tuesday Evening

(The title is the first, but certainly not the last Commodores reference we’ll use this season) For the first time, the Detroit Red Wings have a player that is active on social media sites like Twitter. It’s an exciting time to  be a fan, since our newbie often takes the time to answer questions or […]

Loss Candy :: We’ve Got Some Work to Do

Final (Hi Mr. P) Blues 10 Wings 3 Thoughts What is there really to say other than the Red Wings just don’t get it. They don’t come to play when the games still count. They don’t look like a team that’s capable of winning a Stanley Cup, let alone a single playoff series. They just […]

According to Plan

Ed note: In the style of Rob Discher because yes, I’ve been drinking. The first salvo of the WIIM/TPL All Star Game Extravaganza has been fired, but don’t let the scoreboard fool you. Sure, you may see “WIIM:1, TPL:0” after the conclusion of tonight’s first ever NHL All Star Game Draft, but looks can be […]

Kronwall’s Knee: The Saga Continues (And Ends?)

Coming off of a season where injuries were the major story line, it’s no surprise that Wings fans everywhere were holding their breath when defenseman Niklas Kronwall reported that he was having pain in his knee. We all remember Georges Laraque’s kneejob on Kronwall last season up in Montreal, which put Laraque on the suspended list […]

May in, Leino back to the Lounge

Ansar Khan (fiinnaallly) got around to telling us the lineup for tonight’s game against the Ducks. It turns out Brad May is coming back into the lineup after a one-game absence thanks to a lower body injury. Someone has to come out. Mattias Ritola, right? WRONG! Brad May…will replace Ville Leino. The updated lineup is […]

Sorry, Ma

The first line is always the hardest to write. Luckily, Ansar Khan took care of it this time: The initial estimate of Detroit Red Wings defenseman Jonathan Ericsson being out for two weeks appears overly optimistic.  Thanks, Ansar! Perhaps next time open articles with “so I was kicking some puppies off a cliff…” In the […]

Tempting the Malocchio

Save yourselves. And the Red Wings. When Johnny Ericsson hit the ice, my phone rang. Twice, in fact. One was my dad, calling to discuss the Joe Theismann-like grossness of the frame-by-frame. A former soccer player, he had some insight to share on lower-body injuries and legs bending that way (hint: they’re not supposed to). […]

Ericsson has bone bruise, Janik called up

Well, it could have been much worse. In fact, watching the video (and the freeze frame, thanks to @mserven), I would have bet dollars to donuts that it was Kronwall-esque or longer. All this does is add to Ericsson’s lore: first, missing only one game following an emergency appendectomy, followed by many more quick recoveries. […]

Oh, Darren!

COME ON! Per the Detroit News, Darren Helm is out with a wrist injury and has no immediate timetable for return, though it doesn’t SOUND to be too serious. In his place, Kris Newbury was called up from Grand Rapids and WILL be in the lineup tonight against the Coyotes. Shout out to On the […]