The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

The Combination Is “1,2,3,4,5”

Final (Hi Mr. P!) Wild 2, Red Wings 1 (OT) The Skinny This play has three acts: The Hot Start, The Slow to a Crawl and the Inevitable Collapse. Only the first part was any good, and even then, it faded toward the first intermission. The second act was an uninspired performance designed to set […]

Nov. 1 :: We’ve Got Pie!

Before we get into the pregame, there’s some leftover business from the weekend that needs to be taken care of… Great. Now that your Halloween themed loss candy is out of the way, let’s get down to business… WHAT’S ALL THIS THEN It’s another go ’round with the guys from Minnesota. 7:30 pm Eastern. Joe […]

Order Restored: Kronwall Locked Up For 7 More

Back when Jonny Shitbox signed his three year deal that made everyone and their brother question the sanity of Ken Holland, Niklas Kronwall must have been secretly smiling and opening a few more bank accounts. If the Rig was going to pull down that amount of cash, then Kronwall was all but assured to make […]

Oct. 28 :: Tell Me You’re Not Taking This Seriously

WHAT’S ALL THIS THEN Team TPL is on the road and in the airportz as the Wings renew their burgeoning rivalry with the San Jose Sharks tonight. Puck drops at 7:30 PM tonight. NHL Network will be screwing all of you Center Ice owners (Disch) and Gamecenter Live owners (Me) yet again. NOW, WHERE WERE […]

You Can’t Win Them All (Well, the Caps Still Could…)

Final (Hi Mr. P!) Caps 7, Red Wings 1 Thoughts For a team that talked all week about “wanting to get back to playing”, the Wings sure didn’t look that interested in participating in Saturday’s heavyweight tilt against the Capitals for the first 30 minutes. The Embarrassment that it is Mike Green and his Edmund Dantes goatee […]

Oct. 21 :: Do You Suppose We’ll Meet Any Wild Animals?

WHAT’S ALL THIS THEN After surviving a hairy couple of days with random exotic (and lethal) animals running around Ohio, the Columbus BJ’s have safely made their way to Detroit for tonight’s tilt against the Wings. Puck drops at 7:30 Eastern. This is the first of six meetings this season between the Central Division rivals. […]

TP:60 – October 20

Don’t forget, you can keep up-to-date on all of the latest TP:60 happenings – including previews for upcoming shows – at the TP:60 Home Page. Miss an episode? Just want more TP:60 awesomeness? The TP:60 Archive has you covered. (Ed. Note: Before you get all up-in-arms, we are well aware of the incessant clicking throughout the entire […]

The Top Shelf: No Wings Hockey? No Problem!

Buy More Stuff! :: Since you’re currently sitting on a couch/chair/desk reading this post, odds are you’re bored. Bored with watching other teams play while the Wings sleep in. Bored with staring at that report you’re supposed to have on your manager’s desk in 10 minutes. Bored with the same five dollar footlong you’ve picked […]

The Pipeline: Tomas Jurco

With all the talent coming up through the Red Wings system, there’s plenty of unique stories, personalities and talents to share, and we here at TPL are doing our part to bring those to you via “The Pipeline.” The Pipeline rolls on and this time we are thrilled to welcome YouTube and Red Wings training […]