The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

A Time for Accountability

I went to bed last night like many of you reading this right now did: pissed off, dejected, completely over “it”. The “it” of course being this iteration of the Detroit Red Wings, a team with talent up and down the lineup, but sub-par results to show for it. I didn’t bother to read the […]

TP:60 – November 17

Don’t forget, you can keep up-to-date on all of the latest TP:60 happenings – including previews for upcoming shows – at the TP:60 Home Page. Miss an episode? Just want more TP:60 awesomeness? The TP:60 Archive has you covered. This week on TP:60: LESS CLICKING!: In fact, NO CLICKING! SO IT ACTUALLY SOUNDS LIKE A REAL SHOW! […]

Shut It Down Mr. Howard: Wings Win Third In A Row

The Final (Hi Mr. P!) Red Wings 3, Oilers 0 The Skinny Well, we said in the pregame that this thing might turn into a goaltender’s duel, and it didn’t disappoint. Jimmah stood on his head and Khabibulin wasn’t too shabby himself, but at the end of the night it was the guy who got […]

Nov. 11 :: So If You’re Hot to Trot…

NOW ONCE UPON A TIME UP ON THIS ‘MIC First and foremost, a big thanks to friend-of-the-blog Greta (@thegatzke) for letting this suggestion mmmmmmmmmmmmDROP into our lap. Nothing says Friday like the Beastie Boys, so sit back and enjoy while we stir fry you up in the TPL wok. It’s some sort of alternate universe […]

Tale of the Tape: Playing the Tendencies

In the previous TOTT, I spent the better part of an entire post picking apart Johan Franzen for his lack of positioning and hustle on a power play opportunity against Minnesota. While the Wings ended up scoring right after that penalty, I still felt Franzen’s lack of effort took away from a scoring chance, all […]

The Top Shelf: Hockey As An Art Form

Vladinating the Canvas:: It seems like once or twice a year we get an update about our old friend Vladimir Konstantinov and his long journey to recover from the Day That Shall Not Be Mentioned. For me, it’s still tough to see a guy like Vladdy in the shape that he is in, and I […]

Deep Sixed

Final (Hey Mr. P…) Flames 4, The Team Formerly Known As the Red Wings 1 The Skinny I think this about sums it up… I’m not going to waste words here. This team is in a rut. The offense isn’t working. Babcock has tried everything but randomly drawing fans out of the seats to come […]

Tale of the Tape: Exploiting Ice, Size

One of the things I like to do after a game is take some time to re-watch a number of plays that are listed in one of the many spiral notebooks littered on my desk at work and coffee table at home, and see if I can pick out things that might not have been […]

The Constant Gardener

When I moved into my current residence last year, our landlord was busy showing us all of the great features of the house when I happened upon a large, raised planting bed on the front patio. Prior to that point, there’s nothing in my history to indicate that I would be a prime candidate for […]