The Chart

Behold! The font of Red Wings information that is The Chart!

At The Production Line, we try to keep tabs on everything that’s even remotely Red Wings-related. For the past few seasons, we’ve kept an in-depth spreadsheet with everything from contract details and team assignments to transactions and uniform numbers. And, for the first time, we’ve figured out a way to share the multi-tabbed universe with all of you.

If you click THIS LINK, it will take you to this current season’s version of The Chart, which will always be accessible via the top link in the blogroll to the right. We may come up with a way to make it a more visible link in the near future, but that’s Hollis’ department since I’m mildly challenged when it comes to web design.

If you’d like to look at old charts, and compared the differences, I’ve uploaded a few other examples to Google Docs and am happy to share those links, as well —  but they won’t be maintained, since The Chart is an always-evolving entity and a new one begins at the conclusion of a season.

2010-11 Detroit Red Wings

2009-10 Detroit Red Wings

2008-09 Detroit Red Wings

Happy surfing! Feel free to contact us if there are any errors or typos.