TPL Summer Programming

With last week’s loss behind us, and many of us beginning the grieving period, now is as good a time as any to discuss some of the events and plans we have in motion at The Production Line. Unfortunately, Whitney Houston has been retired and Major League references will have to wait a few more months, but we’re sure that we can keep the Wings community busy and occupied with some fun — and maybe some debauchery, which you all know we’re good for around here.

We’ve been teasing it since the new year, and now it’s time to get down to business. For the last four months, we’ve been compiling the best nickname submissions that followed the themes we set out the mornings of game days. We got some absolutely hilarious submissions (as if there was any doubt), and there are 33 suggestions that have moved onto this stage. As a reminder, the winning submission will get a TPL shirt of their choosing.

The voting will take place on TPL’s Facebook page, so if you’re not already a fan — drop what you’re doing and click “Like” right now. Later this week, I’ll drop the first 8 (which I’ve randomized using some randomizing software that I’ve just learned exists) into a “Facebook Question” — allowing you to vote for your favorites. This will happen four times, and the top two vote-getters from each grouping will move onto the Finals.

The Top 8 will be displayed one more time, and the top choice will be the lucky winner of the TPL shirt!

Once again, we’re joining forces with our brethren at Winging it in Motown. @JJfromKansas and I have been discussing an idea that I absolutely stole from him following his asking of the Twitter community very casually whether or not they’d like Mike Modano to return.

In the coming weeks, we’ll have profiles for each of the impending free agents with any pertinent details that will help you decide whether or not you’d like to see them return — and for what price — and then you’ll have a chance to say your peace. We’ll be setting up a voting site, where you’ll be able to anonymously selected “YES” or “NO” and we’ll re-visit the data so you can see what the community is thinking.

In addition, we’ll explore some of the players that could replace each of the potential departures — whether it’s an internal promotion… or signing other teams’ free agents.

Building off of the earlier prospects preview I did, we’ll have parts II and III for you prior to the Draft so that you’ll know a little bit about a handful of guys that could fall onto Detroit’s radar in the lower portion of the first round.

(and of course) TP:60
The podcast WILL run during the summer — though not weekly. We’ll likely make it a bi-weekly affair, starting as early as this week with your favorite bloggers and guests from around Hockeytown. We’re working on something kind of big right now, so stay tuned… here’s hoping we get to share some good news on this front ASAP.