There, by the grace of Griff, goes Kyle

We were happy to share the festivities of Abdelkader.Hudler.Delvecchio with Babcock’s Death Stare‘s big news: that Kyle will begin an internship with the Grand Rapids Griffins. We literally couldn’t be happier for the man — and while we’re very sad to see him go (he is a guy that does quality work on the regular), we’re sure this is an opportunity that will lead to great things for his great hockey mind. TP:60 won’t be able to replace him, and he’s always welcome to drop in, say hello, and jailsex some noobs on the topic of prospects and whatnot.

On a more personal note, Kyle was extraordinarily helpful when we were launching The Production Line (the first time, I mean…) — always had good advice, was the first site to link to us and send some traffic our way. Disch and I owe him a debt of gratitude because without him to lean on for a few weeks, we may not have done this at all. We tip our hat to him yet again, reading  his final post and seeing the kind things he has to say about us and our site. We’re truly honored to be included in that group — and any group that’s included Kyle.

I already owe Kyle several beers at H2H2 (he knows why…), but add this to the tab. Cheers, brother! Best of luck kicking ass and taking names in Grand Rapids.

If you haven’t already (who am I kidding? Of course you have), head over to his farewell post at Babcock’s Death Stare and wish him luck.