Tinfoil Flashmob

A good friend of TPL’s, the lovely Sara, is organizing what I sincerely hope takes off. Prior to Game 3 at Joe Louis Arena tomorrow, she’s imploring fellow Wings fanatics to descend onto the Gordie Howe entrance donning the official headgear of Red Wings Nation: tin-foil hats.

Head over to her LiveJournal for more information. Long story short: even if you’re not a ticketed attendant, you’ll have the chance to meet up with other Wings fans in protest of the ridiculous refereeing fiasco in this series before heading to a bar to get yo’ drank on.

If you’re not familiar with flashmobs (how dare you), check out the video below. I am in and out of Grand Central every single day and if I saw something like this take place, I’d probably wet my pants (TURRRRRISTS!)