Is it me or is Chris McCosky a bit of a dick…

It’s too bad, because I thought he was doing a fairly decent job in his first season as the hockey beat writer for the News…

This morning, the Detroit News’ Chris McCosky published an article essentially questioning the timing of Kirk Maltby’s shoulder injury announcement before eventually calling everyone involved classy and honest. I got a little bit of a mixed message from the article: yeah, it seems a little fishy that with Lilja’s return, an as-yet-unknown injury becomes common knowledge; but I also know the Red Wings would rather waive and lose Jason Williams for nothing (for better or for worse…probably for worse) than kick Kirk Maltby in the nuts after his incredible service to the Wings. I have to believe that, while the Wings are in dire cap straights, they have Maltby’s best interests in mind. Maybe that’s me being naive… a poor, frolicking, jailsexed naive fan.

Also, he notes that Kirk Maltby’s cap hit is $750,000. No it isn’t, bro. Do some research. His cap hit is $883,333. He is making $750k in salary this season, but as we all know (except McCosky, apparently), the cap hit is figured by averaging out the salaries over the life of the contract. It took me a grand total of nine seconds to find this information. (950k + 950k + 750k = 2.65M / 3 years = $883k. Tadaaaaa)

Last night, the same McCosky said that Mike Babcock has an unpleasant attitude toward the media, snarkily referring to the coach as “the always helpful Babcock.” Maybe Uncle Mike is allergic to beat writers who don’t do their research. Frankly, the coach doesn’t have to answer any questions about his lineup – and I’m shocked when they say as much as they do. He doesn’t owe you an explanation. He’s the coach. He decides who plays. Don’t cry when he snaps at you, or doesn’t give you what you expected…

Sure, Mike Babcock is gruff. That’s what he’s known for. His death stare is the things that nightmares are made of, and I certainly don’t envy McCosky’s job of asking the tough questions (assuming he does that from time to time). He doesn’t appear to be afraid to ask Babcock about the goaltending “controversy,” which is an issue that his readers are certainly interested in. And good on him for it. And good on him for writing a nice piece about Drew Miller and Jimmy Howard pulling for Team USA — one for his brother, the other (snubbed in the eyes of many) just being patriotic.

I’ve rather enjoyed Chris McCosky this season, for the most part. It’s too bad that, while the Wings head into the Olympics on an upswing, we’re forced to see the slimiest reporting of the season from a beat writer.

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone out in TPLand. Here’s hoping your day is filled with frolicking and you’re all jailsexed so hard, all night.