RIP Brendan Burke

Please excuse the non-Red Wings post, but it can’t go unnoticed.

This afternoon, Brian Burke’s son, Brendan, was killed in a car accident. He was 21-years-old and a pioneer for gay rights in hockey, sports, and life in general. A bit of my heart broke hearing the news – and I never met the man.

If you haven’t already, please read this ESPN article about Brendan’s fight. If you’ve already read it, read it again.

I’m not homosexual myself, but a great many of my closest friends are. Seeing firsthand how they’re treated makes my heart hurt for them, and reading Brendan Burke’s story was inspiring and beautiful — no matter which side of a political or ideological debate you stand on. I’ve long hated Brian Burke “the mogul,” but after reading the article and seeing the solidarity he had with his son, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Brian Burke “the man and father.”

To think that there are no gay hockey players would be incredibly short-sighted. If you’re going by averages alone, every locker room in the NHL has two or three homosexual men in it. Here’s hoping that one day, they don’t have to keep it from everyone. And when they don’t, they can thank Brendan Burke.

My deepest condolences, and those of The Production Line as a whole, are with the friends and family of Brendan Burke.