A cluster of Red Wings mini-newses

Once again, so long, hero.

Newses is a word, right?

1. Darren McCarty officially announced his retirement, filing papers with the NHLPA. He says he hopes to continue his Versus gig, and we all hope that, too.
2. In this Swedish article (which needs some translation), Jim Nill tells Dick Axelsson to man up if he wants to be a Red Wing one day. Apparently, Axelsson is on the verge of pulling a Ryno and bolting overseas after becoming homesick and having a difficult time adjusting to life “on and off the ice.” UPDATE: Snapshots has a translated version. Thanks George!
3. Jakub Kindl was officially sent back down to Grand Rapids, and – to make room – Sebastien Piche was sent to Toledo.
4. Valtteri Filppula’s cast is off, and he skated after practice. He’s on his way…
5. Read this rockstar of an article by Chris Hollis of Motown Wings. Pure awesome.

And it isn’t Red Wings-related, but full of awesome nonetheless:

6. New York Islander Brendan Witt was hit by a YUKON today. After eating some hood and some street, he stood up and said — NO BULLSHIT — “I’m okay, I’ve got to play some hockey. I’m a hockey player. I’m okay, no big deal.”