Nothing Says Greek Like Nashville!

Chris Chelios, pictured here circa 1923.
With rumors that Chris Chelios had hoped to continue his Hall of Fame career with the Rangers or Maple Leafs, it seems that a new suitor has emerged from the fiery depths of hell and country music (redundant): the Nashville Predators.

John Glennon of the Tennessean – who, all jokes aside, is a great hockey writer – has this little nugget to share with bile-swallowing Red Wings fans:
One of the names being tossed around is 47-year-old Chris Chelios, whose abrasive style of play and frequent conversations with referees often made him a target of Predators fans.
Glennon continues along that “Chelios is not well-liked in Nashville” storyline. But, seriously, what else is new? He was arguably the most hated non-Red Wing before his trade to Motown and was instantly cheered at the Joe.
Barry Trotz, neckless head coach of the Predators, shared a conversation he’s had with Chelios, and it sorta sums it all up:
“I said, ‘Chris, are you sure you’d have the interest of playing in Nashville, because you’re not exactly well-liked here?’ ” Trotz said. “He said, ‘Trotzy, trust me, I’m not well-liked anywhere.’ I said ‘Yeah, I guess you’re right.’ ”
So much for that streak of 25 years with only Original Six teams.