TP:60 – October 20

Don’t forget, you can keep up-to-date on all of the latest TP:60 happenings – including previews for upcoming shows – at the TP:60 Home Page. Miss an episode? Just want more TP:60 awesomeness? The TP:60 Archive has you covered.

(Ed. Note: Before you get all up-in-arms, we are well aware of the incessant clicking throughout the entire length of the audio. We’re not sure what caused it, but rest assured we are looking into it and will have it remedied before the next episode. Otherwise, every show from here on out would sound like it has a ticking time bomb of fury attached, and that’s no good. We apologize for the inconvenience this week, but hope you can forgive us while still enjoying the show.)

This week on TP:60:

  • Fan Time!: Contest winner Matt Shea (@SpaceCityMatt) joins us to talk Doug Fister, NASA and moon theory. Look out for big words.
  • 30 Good Minutes: JJ and Graham from Winging It In Motown stop by. Did someone say Ville Leino?
  • On the Dot: Doug Johnson from Caps blog Puck Buddys stops by to verbally joust with the group about this weekend’s matchup with Ovi and company. He also talks about TPL asses.
  • The Pipeline: Now a part of TP:60, The Pipeline returns this week with Wings goaltending prospect Thomas McCollum.

As always, send your questions, comments and feedback to Looking to subscribe to the show? iTunes has you covered.