The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

The Top Shelf: Back to Work

How does this thing work again???:: After gorging ourselves on the finest food and consuming all of the best top shelf adult beverage offerings, we’ve finally pried ourselves off the leather and cherry-wood couches and are ready to get back to work here at TPL. Apologies for the lack of posting around the St. Louis win […]

Weekend Top Shelf

BRUNNSTROM DEMOTED This morning, the team announced that Fabian Brunnstrom has been assigned to the Grand Rapids Griffins. Perhaps impressed with Chris Conner’s hustle in Friday night’s game in Buffalo and realizing that Bruno is no closer to cracking the lineup that he has been all season, the Wings decided it’d be best if he […]

The Top Shelf: Hockey As An Art Form

Vladinating the Canvas:: It seems like once or twice a year we get an update about our old friend Vladimir Konstantinov and his long journey to recover from the Day That Shall Not Be Mentioned. For me, it’s still tough to see a guy like Vladdy in the shape that he is in, and I […]

The Top Shelf: No Wings Hockey? No Problem!

Buy More Stuff! :: Since you’re currently sitting on a couch/chair/desk reading this post, odds are you’re bored. Bored with watching other teams play while the Wings sleep in. Bored with staring at that report you’re supposed to have on your manager’s desk in 10 minutes. Bored with the same five dollar footlong you’ve picked […]

The Top Shelf: Gone Camping

(Ed. note: “The Top Shelf” is our newest attempt at staying relevant in all of the happenings around the hockey interwebz. Why “The Top Shelf”? Because it’s one of those great hockey cliches that also happens to be the only kind of booze we sip here at TPL. While there won’t be a regular posting […]