The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

Curly=Perfect and Perfect=Curly

There’s plenty to talk about after the win over St. Louis, but I’m going to table all of that for just one second because there’s something that needs to be said first… Yes we CAN go get some piping hot curly fries because The Perfect Human decreed it so with three pucks in the back […]

Mission: Accomplished

Congratulations, Red Wings Nation — you got ’em back! The Production Line would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to Underground Printing, MSN, Fox Sports Detroit, Dana Wakiji, Puck Daddy’s Greg Wyshynski, Hunter PR, Doner Advertising, The Sporting News’ Sean Gentille, Sports Illustrated, and — of course — Arby’s Restaurant Group. In addition, this absolutely […]

TPL on Fox Sports Detroit

Well, we wish the game would have been better… but it was a milestone night for The Production Line. The video above (captured and uploaded by our good friend Tyler of The Triple Deke) features Fox Sport Detroit’s John Keating talking about Operation: Curly Fries (for the first time, referring to it as such) and […]

Operation: Curly Fries Goes Global

Anyone that knows anything about hockey knows that Hockeytown stretches far beyond Detroit’s city limits. We’re a proud bunch stationed all over the state, all over the nation, all over the world. You probably heard us cheering when the Wings scored in Anaheim and Los Angeles over the weekend. You’ve likely watched a relative home […]

Go get your fries, Hockeytown

Photo courtesy of our good friend @sigsegfalt Congratulations, Red Wings fans. Arby’s, in all of their awesomeness, has heard your calls for justice — and they’re ready to return your curly fries IF they turn out to be preferred, after all. Thanks to Fox Sports Detroit (with this article from Dana Wakiji), Hunter Public Relations, […]

Operation: Curly Fries Update!

Big news to pass along real quick this afternoon… Without giving anything away, The Production Line would like to announce that there have been major developments in Red Wings Nation’s fight to get their curly fries back. Arby’s has been wonderful to work with — we’ve really enjoyed making friends with such a delicious restaurant. […]

Cyber Monday!

Now that you’ve polished off the Thanksgiving leftovers and already promised yourself that you’ll hit the gym for every single day leading up to Christmas, it’s time to take part in the final time-honored, post-Thanksgiving tradition that’s left… Spending money. If you head on over to the TPL Store today, you’ll be treated to 25% […]

Bingo, Curly Fries!

By now, you’ve heard the horrible news. The Detroit Red Wings’ fast food partner, Arby’s, has changed their special giveaway if a Red Wing nets a hat trick. Deviating from their classic and awesome Curly Fries, they’ve begun offering something called a Small Roast Beef Sandwich should a Winged Wheeler put their third puck in […]