The Production Line – TP:60

Archived version of TPL – Hosted by DetroitHockey.Net

2012-13 Pledge Season

Note: at the bottom of this post, you’ll be able to submit your pledge. We will post the form in several places, but you may always return to this page to pledge. We will make it a permanent link on the Blogroll to the right. –> WHAT Unless you’re new around these parts, you’re familiar […]

Vote Pavel: Megatron Approved

This photo, sent to us by our very good friend @Will_Posthumus late last night, gives us proof that the Detroit Lions’ own Calvin Johnson — himself an upcoming EA sports cover boy — fully supports the movement to get Pavel Datsyuk on the cover of EA Sports’ NHL ’13. There are eight athletes left, and […]

Vote Datsyuk for NHL13 cover

Pavel Datsyuk finds himself a 1 seed against T.J. Oshie in the opening round of EA Sports’ cover voting tournament. With some luck, Pasha can become the second Detroit athlete to grace the cover of an EA Sports’ 13 game and some could argue that there’s no better choice — what with his video game […]

Operation Eaves: The Finale

Well, what a lovely surprise. The designer of the kick-ass poster (@JHowardDesign) woke up, opened his e-mail, and saw this awesome picture, along with a note from Mr. Eaves, who is very touched by all of your kind words, Hockeytown. Below is a copy-and-pasted note from Patrick: To the Fans: “I want to thank everyone […]

Some t-shirt-related news — including our nickname winner

First things things, thanks to @TheNorm41 for sharing the following photo, which features the magnificent new Ponggate shirts as mentioned in the Detroit Free Press this morning. Score: Next, we’ve been alerted by the printer that the first batch of Todd Bertuzzi Ping Pong Sheriff shirts have been shipped. If you placed your order of […]

New T-Shirts!

Come and get ’em! Celebrate our ping pong sheriff Todd Bertuzzi’s refusal to let the opponent touch his paddles (giggity). Two designs… they may not be available permanently… it all depends on interest, but take your pick: THE FIRST! A simple, classic shirt to commemorate the best story to come from this year’s playoffs. THE […]

Congratulations to the Nickname Finalists

Below are the eight finalists for The Production Line’s 2011-12 Nickname Submission Contest. The top vote-getter of the following will receive a t-shirt of their choosing from TPL’s Store. Like all of the semi-final rounds, voting will commence on our Facebook Page, so head over there and give a +1 to the nickname you think […]

Best thing you’ll read all day

From Red Wings TV producer @Will_Posthumus comes a story that will ABSOLUTELY spawn a TPL t-shirt (send your ideas to us ASAP): Today, Predators players were using the ping pong tables in the hallway outside of the locker rooms. Todd Bertuzzi saw this and then… — Will Posthumus (@Will_Posthumus) April 17, 2012 …told them if […]

Nickname Voting — Part III

The third section of nickname winners are posted on TPL’S Facebook Page and anxiously await your votes. The first two sections were open for 48 hours, but seeing as how we’re approaching a weekend, these will stay up until Monday. Just a reminder… the top two vote-getters in each of the four sections move onto […]

Stubborn Babcock

Obviously… this is all in good fun. I actually like Mike Babcock quite a bit. Also, he scares the hell out of me. But if you’d like to create your own Stubborn Babcock, we’ve got you set up: You can also view the ones that have been created via that link. We’re enjoying the […]