Some t-shirt-related news — including our nickname winner

First things things, thanks to @TheNorm41 for sharing the following photo, which features the magnificent new Ponggate shirts as mentioned in the Detroit Free Press this morning. Score:

Next, we’ve been alerted by the printer that the first batch of Todd Bertuzzi Ping Pong Sheriff shirts have been shipped. If you placed your order of the last few days, you should be receiving them early next week. Like always, we encourage you to snap a photo of yourself in them and post them to our Facebook page for the whole world to see. Bonus points if you’re wearing it while chasing someone away from a ping pong table.

And finally, speaking of our Facebook page, it’s time to announce the winner of the 2011-12 TPL Nickname Submission contest. From forty (spectacular) semi-finalists, culled from hundreds of (brilliant) submissions… we found ourselves with the eight finalists voted by you, our beautiful readership. It is with great pleasure that we announce Zac MacRostie (@Flapjack_McZap) the winner of a t-shirt of his choosing for his Grumpy Old Men selection Jiri “I’ve Laid More Pipe in This Town Than Wabasha Plumbing” Hudler. Congratulations to all eight of our finalists — really fantastic submissions this time around and we look forward to doing it again next year.