Despite loss (AGAIN), TPL/WIIM All-Star Weekend a rousing success

The second installment of The Production Line vs. Winging it in Motown All-Star Spectacular ended much like the first one did: with beer money clenched in our cold fists, making our way to the concessions to serve some draft suds to our friends from down the street. Congratulations are in order for Team Winging It — who were the victors by a score of 56.5 – 48.8.

Things were looking good for Team TPL: we were comfortably in the lead after the Skills Competition…and grew that lead in the first period of yesterday’s game. All the more reason for applause was Winging It’s come-from-behind victory, despite the game’s MVP being on our side.

However, the real winners of the weekend (I’m told this is something losers say) is The Michigan Humane Society, who will be the proud recipients of $1,284.50. Once again, thanks to @ayronatthewings for her generous gift of Bobbleheads, which will be given to the winning pledgers as soon as JJ receives them.

I was asked to appear on Winging it in Motown Radio to recap the All-Star Weekend and play a very disastrous game of FMK with the Full House bunch. Click here to head over to the site and give a listen, also featuring @TheTripleDeke’s Tyler Devereaux.

Speaking of podcasts, I’m sure you’ve noticed that we’ve slacked a little bit. Between the technical difficulties that the site has endured and the travel schedules of our principal staff, it’s been impossible to get an episode out. However, we’ll be recording later tonight with Pro Hockey Talk on NBC’s Joe Yerdon and releasing an abridged episode tomorrow morning. We’re hopeful that we’ll be able to get a full episode out soon — as soon as the rest of the kinks are ironed out. Thank you for your patience.