TPL vs. WIIM Reeeeeemiiiiiiix!

Remember last year? Everyone hated me for about nine minutes when it became public knowledge that I selected Steven Stamkos instead of some 40-year-old dinosaur on defense in the first round of the All Star Fantasy Draft (I wonder what happened to that fogey, anyway…).

The trash talk started early.

The trash talk continued late.

The beers were purchased (and likely spit in) because to the victors go the spoils.

And now it’s time for a re-match. We’re not at all pleased about losing to the Winging It fellas, even when the payout was merely a beer (likely something we’d buy for one another ANYWAY… IT’S THE PRINCIPAL). So we’re going to do it again. JJ, Graham, Hancock, Hollis, Disch, and I will be gathering around the campfire (read: half-burnt down porno shop), and select All Stars one by one until someone gets stuck with Jason Pominville.

The rules will likely be the same — point values assigned to skills competitions and actions within the game itself — and we’ll be keeping track very publicly because that’s how the best trash talk goes: loud enough for everyone to see and act like we’re on Maury.

Keeping in the spirit of things, we’re going to open up the pledge drive for this little shindig. After we’ve selected our teams, place your wagers and we’ll make sure that all of the dinero ends up in the very worthy hands of the Humane Society of Michigan. Feel free to pledge for an individual action ($5 if Logan Couture actually turns into a donkey) or the win ($10 if Team TPL comes out on top), and we’ll keep it tallied.

So standby… we’re going to be picking teams like it’s gym class in just a few days…