The Combination Is “1,2,3,4,5”

Final (Hi Mr. P!)
Wild 2, Red Wings 1 (OT)

The Skinny
This play has three acts: The Hot Start, The Slow to a Crawl and the Inevitable Collapse. Only the first part was any good, and even then, it faded toward the first intermission. The second act was an uninspired performance designed to set the stage for the third and do nothing more, which it successfully did. The third act reawakened our imaginations and showed us the ending we craved, only to have fate cruelly twist it away at the last minute. This is the Detroit Red Wings. This is the flawed main character. This is what we are stuck dealing with and these are the results that are bound to happen when an offense can’t get it clicking. Will this play be a Broadway hit or a goddam Greek tragedy? Only time will tell.

(Fully aware I’m not making any sense. It’s late, I’m tired and I just spent a couple of hours banging out a real post for tomorrow. Deal with it.)

Bullets of Importance

  • Wings lose again.
  • This sucks.
  • Gustav Nyquist looked like a rookie (SURPRISE!)

Bullets of Less Importance

  • Just because they had matching black eyes, doesn’t mean Bertuzzi and Holmstrom had to match each other’s penalties.

The Disch Approved “Horsecop” of the Game
Jimmah. Balled out all night long only to yet again be hung out to dry by a lack of offense.

The Riggy “Shitbox” of the Game
Todd Bertuzzi. Dumb penalties and uninspiring play. Petrella is channeling me from Mexico.

What’s Next?
Thursday against Calgary. I’ll be leading the way.

Loss Candy (Because this is all you really care about)

Peyton List makes Roger Sterling very happy on Mad Men. She wants to make you happy too.

Five losses? How about five dudes for the ladies.

Check back in the morning. I have a rather “inspiring” piece for your reading pleasure.