Loss Candy :: Share the Blame


2-1 Ducks in OT (Hi Mr. P)


  • Of course, we’ll start with the the play of the night: Ruslan Salei’s “hooking” call in OT on the Ryan breakaway. There’s not a doubt in my mind that it was the wrong call and it seems like every single person in the Wings locker room had their say about it. In fact, the only time I’m ever heard the term “toe-pick” used as much as it was during the postgame last night was during the figure skating competition at the Winter Olympics. It was a soft call and the timing was unfortunate, but there’s something to be said for the fact that Larry Murphy quickly agreed with the call on the broadcast and then backtracked only after he saw the replay. These things happen quickly and Kozari made the call he thought he saw on what was ultimately a “bang-bang” play where Salei’s stick caught Ryan’s arm and a second later Ryan was flailing onto the ice. Bad calls happen all the time, and this one definitely falls into that camp. The only shame is that it came in OT and ended up deciding the game. If it happens during regulation, people are still pissed off this morning but just not on the same level. Brush it off and move on.
  • The REAL travesty of the game was the Wings going 1 for 9 on the power-play, including coming away with zilch after a 93 second 2-man advantage. Inexcusable, especially when you are on the road and situations like that are few and far between. The Wings made no qualms about the fact that ice conditions may have played a part in their ineffectiveness, but give me a break. Those excuses don’t fly when it’s March and teams are battling you to find their way into the playoffs. Play through it and execute. Excuses aren’t for winners and the Red Wings know that because they have TigerBlood running through their veins. They have magic coming from their fingertips. It’s time to take this tin can and turn it into gold. It’s time be the F-18 and deploy their ordinance.
  • No, Charlie Sheen is not your loss candy. He’s just so hot right now with all of his awesome rants that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to throw some quotes and a photo in there.

No rest for the weary as the Wings head to SanJo to face the Sharks. Pre-game is coming in a bit, but in the meantime…

Loss Candy

Izabel Goulart, meet the TPL readers.

Ladies: Reynaldo Gianecchini is waiting for you.