Head to the Polls. It’s Time to Vote.

The time has come for YOU to elect the newest representative of the TPL brand! That’s right folks, as promised, it is now up to you to vote on which of the following logos will become the new emblem for the TP:60 podcast. As you may recall, we asked all of you for submissions when the site first launched, and since then we have received over 25 different entries. While we originally had planned on doing a “tourney-style” elimination bracket, we also wanted to ensure that everyone had to enough time to get their submissions before the show launches on Monday. So instead of doing a full bracket, Petrella, Disch and myself sat down and discussed all of the entries until we came to a consensus on two finalists. Of course, it took way longer than we expected, and I may have said some things about Petrella’s hair that I didn’t really mean, but the only thing that’s really important here is that we were all able to agree on the final two.

Drumroll please….

Entry #1: Doug Houvener

Big thanks to Doug, who was one of the poor souls that we had to ask for a re-submission from once we realized we couldn’t use the Red Wings logo in OUR logo. At any rate, Doug delivered this and it definitely stood out for us.

Aaaaaaand his opponent…

Entry #2: Casey Richey

You all know him as the main man over at Winging It In Motown, but did you also know that Casey has an artistic side? Well, you do now after seeing this entry from Mr. Richey, which is stylish and cool.

Now, this is usually the point where we would say “GO VOTE!” but there’s one more thing we have to cover before we open up the polls. Part of the internal discussion over here at TP:60 was over which variation of Casey’s logo we would use for the official submission, as he sent over a couple different versions of the same logo. After debating for quite sometime, we decided that it would only be fair to include both versions of the logo as separate entries for you, the readers, to vote on. So, that said, here’s the alternate version of Entry #2, which we shall call…

Entry #3 (original, no?): Casey Richey

Some style, some flare. It’s pretty sweet.

OK, that’s it. Now it’s up to you to decide which one of these logos will become the first ever TP:60 emblem. You’ll notice that we have opened up a new poll on the right hand side of this page, so it is your job to make the tough decision and vote away. The poll will close at Midnight on Monday the 4th, and the winning logo will appear alongside of the first episode of TP:60.

And with that, the floor is yours. Make your vote count!