Tomas Holmstrom, you magnificent bastard!

Pavel and Homer’s new linemate: Thing from The Addams Family

Wings 2-1. 
Mike S. :: $29 :: $19/win + $5/goal
Vicky B. :: $26/win
Sara S. :: $10 :: $5/Datsyukian mention (I missed one last game, d’oh!)
@thenewthomas :: $10/last night’s win (I see all on Twitter)
Andy :: $9/win
Sara N. :: $6 :: $2/goal + $2/Eurotwin goal
Nurse Nitz :: $5/win
Beanie :: $5/win
CaptNorris :: $5/win
TPL Mom :: $5/Ericsson scratch
Ben G. :: $4.30 :: $3/win + $1.30/Datsyuk point
Allison :: $4 :: $2/Flying Circus goal
Drew :: $4 :: $2/goal
Jenn :: $4 :: $2/goal
Rob M. :: $4 :: $2/goal
Brad B. :: $4 :: $2/goal
SigSegFalt :: $4 :: $2/goal
Natalie :: $2/Holmstrom point
The Production Line :: $4 :: $2/goal
TPL Dad’s 10% :: $14.43
If you’re interested in joining the fight and have a fun pledge you want to share with The Production Line, Herm 2 Hockeytown, and Children’s Hospital, please let me know in the comments or via e-mail. Check out the TPL post introducing the fun times and check out everyone’s pledges! If you’re on this list and don’t have a calculator handy — no worries. I’m keeping tabs on every single goal via a massive spreadsheet and will e-mail or Direct Message you your total at the end of the 12 games. 
Okay, the Flames goal was a bit of a stinker. Jimmy Howard pulled a Chris Osgood, sliding the wrong way across the crease, and by the time the puck got to Craig Conroy, we were all shit out of luck. However, aside from that, Tiberius played damn good. The offense was stifled, so it was going to be a low scoring game, and – clearly – allowing a second goal against could have meant the difference between a win and sitting in 9th place this morning. Kudos, Tiberius. Again. 
I’ve said it before, so this won’t be news: I really hope the league takes a look at penalty calling this off-season. The inconsistencies game to game are staggering. Last night’s penalty shot was mind-numbing. Stick to stick, and known goal-scoring dynamo Curtis Glencross couldn’t get a shot off. That’s called defense. Nevertheless, I’d much rather have a penalty shot than a minor assessed at that moment. Call me crazy, but Jimmy Howard only has to stop one shot on the penalty shot, whereas he might face four or five calculated chances on a power play (although last night the Wings were already on the power play, so it would have become 4-on-4). That’s not meant to minimize the contribution Curtis Glencross makes to the Flames, but come on… if given the choice between having Kirk Maltby take a penalty shot and a power play with Henrik Zetterberg, Pavel Datsyuk, Tomas Holmstrom, Nicklas Lidstrom, and Brian Rafalski on the ice. Which would you choose? The penalty shot may be exciting, but strategy, system, and efficient special teams win hockey games. 
Also, take a look at what stopping that penalty shot did. First of all, Howard did a fist-pump, which is the most emotion I’ve ever seen him offer. Second, the Wings took advantage of their still-existent power play and scored the tying goal. We’ve got a ballgame here. Put a hold on the Latinas. 
I love Dino Ciccarelli. He’s a little guy (by comparison). He’s a deigo. He’s got a mouth like a goddamn sailor. He has charisma to burn. He hates the motherfucking Avalanche. He scored 600 goals. He was fearless. He was everything you want a hockey player to be — particularly a net-front guy. But Tomas Holmstrom is the best player from five feet out of all time. Put aside for a moment the abuse he takes, physically, and look at what he can do with his stick. That deflection last night, to win the game no-less, was absolutely magical. The shot was well wide of the net, and not only did he get a piece of it, he knew EXACTLY where he was putting that redirect. It was no accident – he does it fifteen times a year. That guy is absolutely special. Shame on all of you hoping he’d retire this past off-season…or this upcoming one.
Drew Miller might have been on fire last night. Like, literal fire. He was all over the damn place, making things happen at both ends of the ice. He was arguably the best player for either team, though he didn’t end up converting on his chances. He and Jason Williams made a surprisingly good combination. The third member of their triad, Todd Berfloozy, was once again a turnover machine. He’s slumping bad, and has now gone 18 games without a goal. In case you’re keeping score at home (and I know you are), he’s on pace for 18 goals by season’s end. At one point, he was on pace for 26. Also, from what I hear, he ate a kitten during the intermission. 
Raise your hand if you miss Jonathan Ericsson in this lineup. Not you, mom. 
1. There wasn’t a whole lot of effort on the Wings part early. They seemed listless, and when Rafalski’s shot hit the post, you could almost hear the groan on the bench. But, somehow they got a fire lit under their tocheses, and for that you have to commend Mike Babcock. 
2. Jimmy Howard’s rebound control was better. I feel like he was working a little harder on controlling them, particularly in the waning minute when he really did keep the puck out of danger.
3. Kiprusoff looked really good, but the Wings found a way to squeak some by. They only needed two, even if the kids like it better when they score four or five.
4. Jarome Iginla was kept off the scoresheet, but his presence was — like always — very prevalent. That guy is a hell of a hockey player. How he’s not the face of the league is beyond me. He’s an incredible talent, he’s willing to stick up for his teammates, he’s handsome, he’s well-spoken, he’s a minority, he’s a constant goal-scoring threat. He has everything the league should be taking advantage of. Instead, we have to watch Giant Lips Crosby mutter his way through an emotionless dryer story. Again. And again. 
A few days off. Phew. Wings back in action on Friday. 
Photo Credit: Larry MacDougal, CP