H2H Update ***IMPORTANT***

It looks like we’re going to have to cut our pledge drive a game short. All donations need to be received BY MARCH 23RD to be eligible for the prize drawings. Originally, we had planned to do the dozen games before H2H approached, but logistically it won’t be possible to prepare all the entries in time for the big day.  

So, the Pittsburgh Penguins game on March 22nd is the final TPL H2H pledge game. After the game, I’ll add up the pledges (and by “I,” of course, I mean “Excel Spreadsheet”) and send each of our pledgers an e-mail (or Twitter direct message) with their 11-game total. It is imperative that action is taken immediately and that donations are received by the Herm 2 Hockeytown Paypal account in a timely manner. In the e-mail, I will include step-by-step directions and you can always e-mail me if you have questions.

When Rob and I began this thing, our goal was $1,500. With your unbelievable generosity, we’re only $36 off of that number already. We’re excited to be just a tiny part of this movement, and we’ve had so much fun that we’ve decided we’re going to do it again next season. We haven’t thought far enough ahead to pick a reason or a charitable organization — but since H2H might become an annual thing, I sense we’ll have a reason soon enough…