A Call to H2H/TPL Action

***UPDATE 27 :: Friday, March 12***
Ben from Below the Crossbar wants in on the action for the last half-dozen. He pledges cash for the follow phenomena:
 :: $1.30 for every Datsyuk point
 :: $4.30 for every Helm goal
 :: $5 for every Osgood start
 :: $10 for every shutout
 :: $3 for every win ($5 for the Penguins)

***UPDATE 26 :: Friday late night***
Frankly, I’m surprised it took this long for someone to come with the Contuzzi Love. My cousin Jeff has pledged $1 for every Todd Bertuzzi penalty minute between now and H2H. We’re guaranteed some cash on this one!

***UPDATE 25 :: Friday evening***
Rob Masters of Etched in Cold comes in again. I urge you to check out his post at EIC for a better explanation, but here’s the gist: he’ll donate $9 for Helm’s 9th goal, $10 for Helm’s 10th goal, and so on…

Also, each goal scored by a defenseman from below the faceoff dots is an extra $2 (on top of the $2 he’s already pledged for each goal between now and H2H).

***UPDATE 24 :: Friday***
From TPL Mom:

It looks like I need to hop aboard this frolicking, jailsexed train and pony up some cabbage. Michael, as you and I discussed, I was going to plege $2 for every goal scored (ours or the opponents) while the Big Rig was on the ice ’til the end of the season(I know a WIND-FALL for the kids right?!?) Since he’s not in the game tonight (and may not ever be in again) here’s $17 (his current minus stat) Next, if Patrick Eaves scores tonight or Sunday..$17. If Darren Helm scores tonight or Sunday…$17 more (his current pt total) Finally, since Lidstom’s +/- is +17, $17 for each goal he scores tonight and Sunday. C’mon Nick!! Have to run for now; have an urge to find a roulette table…. 

***UPDATE 23 :: Thursday Night***
Greg, perhaps better known as CaptNorris5 of The Winged Wheel, sent me an awesome e-mail (if you’re not super familiar with TWW, go now because the rest of this update is pretty much an extension of it). And I quote….

“in the spirit of Captain Norris himself, I’ll throw down $5 for every time I get to move Babcock up his ladder toward the above ground pool full of fake tits and Jack Adams trophies. $5 for a win, and $2.50 for an OT loss. Plus, I think as a bonus, and just to make your life more complicated and difficult, I’d like to throw in an extra $2.20 for every time Lebda is scratched.”

Well, Lebda’s back in tomorrow, but I’m sure he’ll find his way into the press box. Ya know, for the kids.

***UPDATE 22 :: Thursday***
Clearly inspired by what he saw from the twelfth row last night, my dad has pledged 10% of the total raised at the end of the twelve games. So, the $207 raised so far equals another $20.70.

***UPDATE 21 :: Wednesday***
Another pledge from Krononymous, this time referring to the Chicago Blackhawks game on NBC this Sunday. $2 for every gratuitous mention of Sidney Crosby, since he’s not in any way involved in that game. $2 for each airing of the Crosby/Talbot washing machine commercials. $5 for each intermission story done about Sidney Crosby.

***UPDATE 20 :: 8:23pm, Tuesday***

A couple of updates today, from two of our favorites. First, Jennbikegirl is adding to her pledge. On March 5th, against Nashville, $5 for every Kronwall hit. On March 22, against Pittsburgh, each goal is $4. If Crosby is held pointless, that’s a $10 bonus!
Another super commenter, Baroque, has pledged $5 for every Nick Lidstrom point until the 25th. AWESOME!
Chris Hollis wants your direct messages on Twitter. For every correct trade prediction, he’ll donate $5 to the fund! For details, check out his post at Motown Wings.
***UPDATE 19 :: 10:50am***
Another TPL regular, Sara, has matched our $2 per goal pledge, and added that each goal scored by a Euro Twin is worth double!

***UPDATE :: 2:02pm***
That was fast! Our good friend Drew from Nightmare on Helm Street is in. He’s going to match our $2/goal pledge from now until March 25th. He’s the first… who’s going to be second?

***UPDATE 2 :: 2:07pm***
Dena, that’s who. She pledged an additional $2/goal for the Hawks game on the 7th, the Flames game on the 9th, and the Penguins game on the 22nd. She’ll be in attendance all three nights, so she’ll bring some extra personal juju the Wings way!

***UPDATE 3 :: 2:15pm***
Make it three… one of our very best friends, Natalie from the Scrappy Octopus, has joined the fight. She’ll match our donation of $2/goal for the upcoming Canucks, Predators, Hawks, and Pens. In addition, for all twelve games, $2 for every Tomas Holmstrom goal or assist. Keep ’em coming, Hockeytown!

***UPDATE 4 :: 2:25pm***
Another one of our very good friends, JJ from Kansas, is in. He’ll be matching our pledge against the Wild, Sabres, and Oilers. Almost every game has at least one pledger from now until March 26th, but we’ve got no problem doubling and tripling up!

***UPDATE 5 :: 2:32pm***
Wow, another full match! Yet ANOTHER one of our very good friends, Jennbikegirl, is down for all twelve games!

***UPDATE 6 :: 2:46pm***
Count Ellen of Big Red Machine in! She’s co-sponsoring tonight’s game with the Avalanche, along with Drew and Jenn.

***UPDATE 7 :: 3:51pm***
Now it’s time for something a little different! One of TPL’s favorites, Nurse Nitz, has pledged FIVE DOLLARS for every Red Wings WIN in March. Let’s hope we kick that off immediately. Not only that, she’ll donate $5 for every Nick Lidstrom goal. Booyah.

***UPDATE 8 :: 4:33pm***
Just like we could count on him during the original bet, our friend Rob Masters from Etched in Cold has joined TPL and pledged another $2 for all twelve. We now have five parties pledged for tonight’s Colorado game. Keep it coming!

***UPDATE 9 :: 5:17pm***
And we have a ninth! New friend Brad has pledged another $2 per goal for all twelve.

***UPDATE 10 :: 5:48pm***
And Krononymous makes it ten! She’s matching our pledge on March 7th vs. Chicago! Not only that, she’ll throw in an addition $5 for every Jimmy Howard or Chris Osgood shutout (so…. every Jimmy Howard shutout).

***UPDATE 11 :: 6:47pm***
Big news! Another doll of a reader, Vicky, is upping the ante a tiny bit. Her Direct Message on Twitter says the following:

Since Jimmah is 26 on the 26th, I’ll donate $26 for every game we win. I’m hoping to be out $312 to absolve myself from not being at the game.

***UPDATE 12 :: 6:57pm***
BOOM! From the comments rises Andy from Fight Night at the Joe, pledging to donate $9 (for his first jersey number) for every Red Wings victory from now until then! Each victory is now worth $40 in addition to the goals scored pledges. But wait, there’s more! Andy’s pledged an additional dollar for every Helm goal from now until then, paying homage to Herm’s favorite player! Later, drunkenly, Andy pledged $25 if the Wings win on the 7th, and $19 if the Wings win on the 19th

***UPDATE 13 :: 7:30pm***
Frankly, I can’t believe I didn’t think of this already….our good friend Maria has pledged $15 for every Todd Bertuzzi goal. What’s $15 x ZERO? HA!

***UPDATE 14 :: 7:37pm***
Our good buddy Mike Serven has pledged $19 for each Red Wings win, $5 for each Red Wings goal, and $5 if the Red Wings ARE shutout. Let’s hope those last $5 aren’t needed….but awesome generosity nonetheless.

***UPDATE 15 :: 8:43pm***
Wow, a very cool pledge this time. Jason, perhaps better known as sigsegfalt, has matched our pledge of $2 per goal, and will add an additional $5 for each fighting major and $10 for each spot the Red Wings climb from now until March 25th. That means if the Wings are in 7th by the time H2H comes around, there’s another $30!

***UPDATE 16 :: 8:49pm***
I hope these come right up until game time! Beanie is in for $5 per Red Wings win. By my count, that makes each win worth at least $64.

***UPDATE 17 :: 8:55pm***
What a great idea! Sara (it_burns_us) pledges $5 for every time Mickey Redmond says “Datsyukian.”

***UPDATE 18 :: 9:26pm***
Another one — $2 for any Flying Circus goal, pledged by Allison (allisonRW96). And Homer’s goal a few minutes ago counts!
Whoa! It’s March.

We’re less than four weeks away from the awesomeness that will be Herm 2 Hockeytown. Rob and I are both very excited to be there, watch some hockey, do some fundraisin’, meet some people, and maybe win some awesome prizes.

There are twelve Red Wings games before March 26th…and that got me thinking. When I made a bet with Maria regarding the outcome of the gold medal game, it added a bit of spice (not that it needed anymore spice). Hearing that our friend Rob matched our bet only added another layer to our idea…

Hear me out…

For every Red Wings goal from now until we get on the plane, Rob and I will donate $2 to the fund. In addition, we’d LOVE to have some of our loyal, awesome, jailsexed readers volunteer to match our donations for each game (or all of them, if you’re feeling super generous).

If you are interested in pledging an additional $2 per goal for any of the upcoming March Wings games, shoot me an e-mail at theproductionline@gmail.com or send me a DM on Twitter. The TPL Pre-Games will be named in your honor and we can all share the joy/blame when things go awesome/terrible!