Big Thanks to Chris Hollis!

A huge thumbs up to Chris Hollis of Motown Wings and Obstructed View fame, who took the reigns of TPL last night and delivered nothing but gold. Both Rob and I weren’t going to have a chance to watch the game – even on DVR delay – until Wednesday evening, and by then a recap would have been old news. Hollis was kind enough to offer his services and the result was nothing short of perfect. Well done, friend.

Next, I pose a question to you — our dear readers. Should I even bother watching the Wings / Blues game? I mean… I already know the outcome, and most of the stories, but there are a handful of things I’m curious about:

1. Was Brad May’s fight a desperate last-ditch effort to save himself from potentially being waived? Or was it like the retarded circus act he’s been putting us all through all season?

2. Seemed to be a lot of Bertuzzi hate going on tonight. Validation is nice. Funny how I only get barraged with texts/calls/tweets when he scores (which, by the way, he hasn’t done in nine games — and has only done in a grand total of twelve games all season…and yeah, yeah, I know… you don’t measure a player by the amount of goals he scores. But apparently you don’t measure him by terrible passes, retarded penalties, or skating ability, so I’m not quite sure what I’m supposed to judge him on. Don’t say character).

3. I’m very curious to see the final few minutes when Detroit turned it on and pulled a “what every team does to Detroit” and came back from two down to tie it late.

4. I’d like to see what all these Tweets are about. Presumably some unbelievable save by Jimmy Howard, given the context, but Twitter sold it…

So what do you think, gang? Worth the watch?