Totally Looks Like… Finalists and WINNER!

We’ve had lots of laughs over the last seven days, and that’s thanks to the dozens of hilarious submissions in our Look-a-Like Contest. Rob and I decided it’d be funny to offer up a “prize” to the winner, the cheesier the better, in hopes that the winner would take said prize (a Marian Hossa banner…really…who would want that, even if he was still on the team?) and take lurid and disturbing photos of it (think: with a noose around it’s thin fabric neck and trailing behind a car).
Since one of the more popular submissions (Todd Bertuzzi totally looks like Charles Manson) was submitted by a member of the family (HI MOM!), I thought it’d be only fair to have her select the finalists and the winner.
Before we announce the winner, we thought it’d be fun to take a look at the rest of the Top Ten. A pretty awesome selection: some that really look like a celebrity counterpart — others that were just too funny to pass up. In no particular order, your finalists:
Herm‘s Kris Draper / Chuck Norris submission
WingedUP‘s Jon Heder / Justin Abdelkader submission
Serven‘s Todd Bertuzzi / Brett Favre submission
Jennbikegirl‘s Nicklas Lidstrom / Neil Patrick Harris submission
UCLA Jenn‘s Carson Daly / Todd Bertuzzi submission
Casey‘s Willem Dafoe / Mike Babcock submission
CaptNorris5‘s Chris Osgood / Weird Talking E-Trade Baby submission
Natalie‘s Ville Leino / Scream Killer submission
Andy‘s Jimmy Howard / Brick Wall submission
Drumroll, please! It’s time to announce the winner of the first TPL-sponsored Look-a-Like Contest (which totally implies we intend on doing it again, because it was too full of awesome)… the winner has been contacted, and we eagerly await seeing what she does with Fabric Marian. We know the rest of you do, as well.
Baroque’s Niklas Kronwall / Speeding Truck submission
Great stuff from everyone – we were all very impressed. We always knew our readers were beautiful/handsome and intelligent… but clever and funny, too? Man… Rob and I thought there were so few of us…