Behold: The She-Tuzzi in all her vileness


I wanted to take a quick minute to share with you the abomination that our dear friend Casey has created. This sin against nature is the embodiment of TPL’s favorite character, the She-Tuzzi. Somehow it seems fitting to have Madonna’s crypt keeper arms, fresh from carving a plea bargain into a cartouche, gracing the She-Tuzzi’s lovely, lovely, figure. Come to think of it, I think that “lady” lives in my neighborhood. I saw her last night, arguing with a raccoon. Stupid raccoon thought the Haitian earthquake was caused by global warming, then claimed it was “gettin’ too old for this shit,” and finally complained that cabs wouldn’t stop for him. 

Like I mentioned in the Stars pre-game, I’ve put links to the epic Where’s Bertuzzi and Where’s She-Tuzzi posts in the upper right hand corner of the page. For keeps. Keep the sightings coming!