The Obstructed View, Part III

The third installment of our fancy little upstart is available at The Obstructed, or by clicking right here to go directly to the audio.

This episode featured more of my favorites: Tyler from The Triple Deke, Kyle from Babcock’s Death Stare, and Kris from Snipe Snipe Dangle Dangle making her second appearance (BIG TIME!). With them, as always, was Chris Hollis from Motown Wings and Superstar Producer Brian Kiernicki.

I appreciate the shout out in the opening minutes, thanks to YET ANOTHER two goal performance from Todd Bertuzzi. Our good friend Tyler (who is FIRMLY entrenched with me in the Contuzzi Brigade) stood firm on the anti-Bertuzzi stance, but gave him his due (which he deserves). Tyler made sure everyone knew Garon played that first goal like a half-retarded Squirt goaltender, diving for someone “in the eighth row,” which Hollis was quick to point out was probably me. I was in the eighth row… just sayin’.

Give it a listen, damn good episode.