Herm to Hockeytown

Graphic stolen from A2Y

I’m a little late to the party, but this couldn’t go without mentioning, and is truly in the holiday spirit. Longtime A2Y contributor and Red Wings Brasil author, Guilherme, made mention that he has never been to a Red Wings game — or met another Red Wings fan.

Well, clearly, that won’t fly. Hats off to Chief, who organized the campaign to raise funds and get his ass to Motown for a game. It only took thirty hours to raise the initial $1,000. As of this writing, it’s been asked that donations be put on hold until everyone can figure out what it will cost to get Herm to the Joe for a game. It may re-open if it’s discovered that it’ll cost more than a grand — in which case, I encourage you to join me and send a few bucks their way.

What an unbelievably cool thing, and Red Wings fans should be proud of themselves for this gesture.

If you haven’t made your way over to Abel to Yzerman to check out the details yet, go now. Also, what the hell are you doing here NOT reading A2Y?

Happy Holidays, Herm! We all hope you enjoy the game, and look forward to hearing more about the journey! Take lots of pictures.


It’s been brought to my attention (thanks, Below the Crossbar, for the head’s up) that A2Y is again accepting donations. Any extra dough is being donated to Children’s Hospital. So, either way, a worthy cause. Get donatin’.