Sorry, Ma

The first line is always the hardest to write. Luckily, Ansar Khan took care of it this time:

The initial estimate of Detroit Red Wings defenseman Jonathan Ericsson being out for two weeks appears overly optimistic. 

Thanks, Ansar! Perhaps next time open articles with “so I was kicking some puppies off a cliff…” In the article, with the inauspicious title “Jonathan Ericsson has knee drained”, Ericsson discusses his knee, which is still swollen, and that his timeline is “a guess.”

We figured he was tough, perhaps even Chuck Norris tough, but I think deep down we all knew that when his leg bent backwards, it wasn’t going to be quick. Ericsson continues:

My whole leg from my knee down to my ankle is pretty swollen. I don’t have that much motion right now. Got to work to get the swelling down and go from there. Doctor told me it’s a guess to say when we think you’re going to be back; these things are so different from case to case.

The article concludes by Ericsson’s estimate of two to four weeks, presumably from NOW and not from the time of the injury, which has us looking at mid to late January for a return.