The Obstructed View Podcast

Oh my God, is that what I sound like?

Kris from Snipe Snipe Dangle Dangle, Casey from Winging it in Motown, Chris Hollis from Motown Wings, producer extraordinaire Brian Kiernicki, and yours truly took part in the inaugural Red Wings podcast, titled The Obstructed View. You can hear the first episode via the following methods:

Direct Download

Visit the Obstructed View website

Subscribing to the iTunes channel

Check back every week for a new episode, with your favorite Red Wing bloggers. And if you aren’t already, follow The Obstructed View on Twitter right now to keep up on the latest podcast news.

It was a ton of fun – many thanks to Chris Hollis and Brian Kiernicki for including me, and to Casey and Kris for putting up with my various nonsense in vocal form. Frankly, I can’t wait for it to be my turn again. Maybe by then, Todd Bertuzzi will have fallen off the map again and we can talk about that.