The Greatest 24 Hours of Todd Bertuzzi’s Life

Take THAT, TPL’s credibility!

I bet you came here to TPL, expecting to see it on fire. Well, friends, I’m just as surprised as you are that the world hasn’t ceased to exist, or that a ominous black hole hasn’t opened right next door, taking me back to the real Earth where things make sense.

I missed tonight’s Nashville game. It’s DVR’ed, don’t you worry. I’m sure I’ll catch up sooner or later, but tonight was a night for Christmas parties in Brooklyn, so I don’t have my normal post-game face on, but I simply couldn’t go to bed without making mention of Todd Bertuzzi.

I would like to share with you some of the texts, emails, instant messages and tweets I’ve received in the last 24 hours:

12/11 9:47pm FACEBOOK (Clay) :: NOW BERTUZZI??????????? THE WORLD IS ENDING!
12/11 10:08pm TEXT (Mom) :: You’re going to eat shit on the blog tomorrow!
12/11 10:12pm EMAIL (Rob) :: CHICKEN DINNER! And who was it? Mr. Personality himself…you know him…you love him…Todd Bertuzzi.
12/11 10:13pm TWITTER (chollis) :: I can’t wait to read @mpetrella’s reaction.
12/11 10:14pm TWITTER (PioneerHall) :: I can’t wait to hear it. 😉 @mpetrella.
12/12 9:06pm TEXT (Mom) :: So can you eat crow two days in a row?
12/12 9:15 pm TWITTER (chollis) :: Wow. Bertuzzi. What’s up dude. Any thoughts @mpetrella?
12/12 10:47pm TEXT (Mom) :: R U HOME?????!!!
12/12 10:49pm TEXT (Mom) :: Ok. You’re gonna love the end of the gm.
12/12 11:10pm FACEBOOK (Clay) :: Back to back nights?????
12/12 11:30pm COMMENT (Baroque) :: Watching hockey is giving me an existential crisis. Time is out of joint and my reality is all askew.
12/13 12:06am BBM (Casey) :: Wait til you see the game haha
12/13 12:10am TWITTER (ScrappyOctopus) :: @mpetrella Hahaha. Fucking Bert. Dude. Hahaha

After receiving a few of the above messages on my phone during the Christmas party, I went online to check out the box score, see what the hubbub was all about. As soon as I saw Bertuzzi had scored the winner in overtime again, I chuckled, shook my head, and smiled. My fiancee says to me, “don’t tell me Todd Bertuzzi scored in overtime again.” Even she knew what that look was about. This is why I’m marrying her.

I love it. I’m probably one of the biggest Bertuzzi bashers out there, so I felt like it was my place to eat some crow yesterday, which I did, with gusto. I LOVE that my life is a direct conduit for what Todd Bertuzzi is up to, it proves that you’re paying attention. I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

I’m a big boy, I’ll take my licks. In fact, I said in the original anti-Bertuzzi post from this summer, I’ll be HAPPY to say I was wrong when and if. But, I also expect everyone to admit that he sucks from time to time. I don’t remember being bombarded with “hey, you’re right” when he had FOUR GOALS IN THIRTY GAMES. As I said in the comments on Babcock’s Death Stare this morning, I played in college and while I wasn’t exactly a big-time goal scorer (hence my job in NOT hockey), if you put me on a line with Pavel Datsyuk and/or Henrik Zetterberg and/or Dan Cleary and/or Valtteri Fippula and/or Johan Franzen for thirty games, I PROMISE I’d have more than four goals. I would have scored five by accident alone. And I’d do it for a million dollars less than Bertuzzi did (Kenny, call me).

No, friends, I’m not ready to go over to Team Protuzzi (copyright, Petrella 2009). I think these last two games were incredible, and I HOPE he keeps the torrent pace up, but I’ll be right here to drop some I told you so on ya when he doesn’t score again until March. In the meantime, keep the emails, tweets, and comments coming! Are you kidding me? I love it. I’m inclined to give you all my BlackBerry Messenger PIN so I can get it in real time…or invite you all to Google Wave so it can all be in one nice, neat place.

Also of note, Friday and Saturday are notoriously slow around these parts – our traffic dips to about 50% of our normal numbers, but last night and tonight were the HUGE, proving that Todd Bertuzzi wants TPL to succeed.

And since I know you’re dying to know my responses to the above messages, here they are:

12/11 FACEBOOK (Clay) :: Life has ceased to have meaning.
12/11 TEXT (Mom) :: Ha! Probably. Its well-known that I’m among his biggest critics and he really does suck donkey nards most of the time. Six goals, BFD, there just happened to be two tonight.
12/11 EMAIL (Rob) :: Holy shitballs. Christ, how do I work this into TPL?
12/11 TWITTER (chollis/PioneerHall) :: I earned this crow — I’ll eat it like a champ. NOM NOM NOM. WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE RIGHT BEFORE THE PODCAST?!
12/12 TEXT (Mom) :: Oh jeez, now what?
12/12 TEXT (Mom) :: I just read the box score. The night before taping the podcast. I’m screwed.
12/13 TWITTER (ScrappyOctopus) :: HA! Yup. I truly love that everyone’s first thought when Todd Bertuzzi does something good is Michael Petrella. How gangsta.